Textbook Look ¿Dónde está?
In what chapter will we study México?
Chapter 6 We will also learn to say some food vocabulary in Spanish. Yummy….
¿Dónde está? What is the Hispanic place we will study in Chapter 3?
Texas! The theme for Chapter 3 is : Things you and others like to do.
¿Dónde está? What section of the book begins on page 380? Notice the spelling of the page number in Spanish….
Literatura y variedades This section has a little more information about the cultures of each chapter.
¿Dónde está? What are the 3 countries that border Spain?
Francia, Portugal y Marruecos Look on the next page to see how to say United States in Spanish…
¿Dónde está? How many countries make up Central America?
Siete Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá
¿Dónde está? In Vocabulario adicional, what does the proverb “Cara vemos, corazones no sabemos.”
“You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Literally, it means” You see a nice face but you won’t see the heart”
¿Dónde está? What deos the section “Síntesis gramatical” cover?
Grammar points This section will be very helpful when doing homework or studying for a quiz or test.
¿Dónde está? On what page can you find how to say birthday in Spanish?
Page R 42 Beginning on page R 50 you can find out where to find grammar points in the book.