Collecting paperObserving an anthill Painting scenery Picking up trash Planting a tree Recolectando papel Observando un hormiguero Pintando escenario Recogiendo basura Sembrando un árbol Separating trash Replacing lightbulbs Taking photographs Watering plants Celebrating Separando basura Remblazando bombillos Tomando fotosRegando las plantas Celebrando
In this unit we’re going to learn the present continuous in negative way to express actions that we are not doing at the moment. En esta unidad aprenderemos el presente continuo de forma negativa para expresar acciones que no estamos haciendo en el momento. Affirmative: Subject + auxiliary(to be) + not + verb + complement Eg. I am not watering plants Eg. She is not collecting paper Eg. You are not planting trees Eg. They aren’t celebrating. We aren’t observing the anthill.