Las partes de una frase Spanish parts of speech
Sustantivos Nouns include the names of people, places, things and ideas. o Personas / People: Sra. González, los estudiantes, niña o Lugares/ Places: escuela, parque, clase o Cosas / Things: libro, coche, limonada o Ideas / Ideas: inteligencia, libertad, amor In Spanish, nouns have both variable gender (feminine or masculine) and number (singular or plural).
Artículos Articles may be either definite or indefinite. Articles modify or specify the noun. For example: o Compro el libro. (I buy the book.) o Compro un libro. (I buy a book.)
Pronombres A word which takes the place of (replaces) a noun. In Spanish, pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces. There are a number of different types of pronouns: o Personal pronouns Subject of a verb Direct object of a verb Indirect object of a verb Reflexive Object of preposition o Demonstrative pronouns o Possessive pronouns o Relative pronouns
Lo compramos para él. We bought it for him. “lo” or “it” replaces the noun“libro”.Pronombres “él” or “him” replace s the noun“Miguel”.
Adjetivos Adjectives describe or modify a noun. Common Spanish examples: o Inteligente, pequeño, este, mi, fácil In Spanish, adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing.
Compramos el libro nuevo. We buy the new book. “nuevo” describes or modifies the noun“libro”.Adjetivos
Compramos muchos libros. We buy a lot of books. “muchos” describes or modifies the noun“libros”.Adjetivos
Verbos Verbs express an action or a state of being. In Spanish, verbs are conjugated with differing endings which indicate when (present, past, future etc.) and who (yo, ella, ustedes etc.) completes the action.
Adverbios Adverbs are words that describe, or modify, verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. More specifically, adverbs tell: o How something is done Los estudiantes estudian bien. o How intense an adjective or adverb is Está más inteligente. o When something occurs No estudia nunca. o Where an action occurs El presidente está aquí.
Elena camina lentamente. Elena walks slowly. “lentamente” describes or modifies the verb “camina”. In other words it tells how Elena walks.Adverbios
Estoy muy cansado. I am very tired. “muy” describes or modifies the adjective“cansado”. In other words it tells how tired you are.Adverbios
Vamos mañana. We are going tomorrow. “mañana” describes or modifies the verb “mañana”. In other words it tells when you the action occurs.Adverbios
Formación de adverbios In English, many adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to the end of the adjective. o For example: quick → quickly Similarly, many Spanish adverbs are formed by adding ”-mente” to the singular, feminine adjective form. o For example: claro → claramente, difícil → difícilmente Adverbs can also be formed by using the preposition “con” before the singular form of the noun. o For example: con perfección (perfectamente), con cuidado (cuidadosamente)
Adverbios irregulares Common irregular adverbs include: o bastante (quite) o demasiado (too much) o mal (badly) o mucho (a lot) o muy (very) o nunca (never) o peor (worse) o poco (little) o siempre (always)
Preposiciones Prepositions express a relationship between words, linking them together Prepositions normally show location, direction or time.
La tienda es detrás de la casa. The store is behind the house “detras de” describes the relationship between “la tienda” and “la casa”. In other words it tells the relative location.Preposiciones
Interjecciones Interjections express reactions or changes in mental state. Common Spanish examples include: o ¡ah! (oh!) o ¡ay! (ow!, ouch!) o ¡bravo! (well done!) o ¡uf! (ugh!).
Conjunciones Conjunctions link words or phrases. Common Spanish conjunctions o y, o, pero, cuando, porque