Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 1 CDF: Prospettive e upgrades  Stato Tevatron e CDF  Risultati recenti e prospettive  Run IIB:  Situazione.


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Presentation transcript:

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 1 CDF: Prospettive e upgrades  Stato Tevatron e CDF  Risultati recenti e prospettive  Run IIB:  Situazione generale  Stato progetti a partecipazione italiana  L’upgrade del CPR (v. presentazione S. Lami)  L’upgrade di SVT (v. presentazione di P. Giannetti)  Calcolo (v. presentazione S. Belforte)  Sommario richieste finanziarie SOMMARIO INFN - Riunione della CSN 1 Lecce 24 Settembre 2003 Franco Bedeschi INFN-Pisa

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 2 TeV Luminosity (current situation)  Peak luminosity  Best 5.2x10 31  Delivered/on tape  330/260 pb -1 Delivered On tape 5x10 31 Luminosity Integrated Initial instantaneous

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 3 Tev 2003 Luminosity  Goals for 2003  Base goals: 200 pb -1 in FY pb -1 /wk end of x10 31 typical  Stretch goals: 320 pb -1 in FY pb -1 /wk end of x10 31 typical (~max achievable without Recycler)  Integrated luminosity goal achieved, but … Half of shutdown in FY04 Avg. lum. lower than predicted  FY04: Double data set ~150 pb -1 As of 5/6/03 ~250 pb -1 As of 9/3/03

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 4 CDF operations  All CDF operating reliably  Silicon stable  Data taking efficiency high  80-90% typical  Some limitations in L1 trigger output rate  < 20 kHz achieved ~ 50 kHz design Force prescale of B physics Problem gets worse at higher luminosity (more in Paola’s talk)  Requires work on DAQ/L2  Massive Italian effort on SVT  L00 aligned and improving resolution Now Hadronic Bs trigger

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 5 SVT trigger improvements in 2003 (at 0 cost)  Whatever could be done with no upgrade has already been done!  4/5 : 1.5x efficiency, more uniform coverage, avoid efficiency change while single SVX ladder are out of DAQ for a few days - Carosi  3/3 : recover another SVX wedge/barrel - Carosi  AMS firmware optimization : saves 700nsec – Belforte  Avoid fitting tracks 1.5<Pt<2 : 30% less to fit – Belforte  Skip events that do not require SVT al L2 (hight Pt jets, MET and leptons): saves 1 microsec (more as L increases) – Belforte, Rescigno  Road Warrior: removes duplicate fit combination for 4/5, saves 30% of time Algorithm, timing studies, simulation, proof of feasibility - Annovi, Belforte, Catastini, Cerri Firmware – Spinella (this fall) Money (~60k$) - Fermilab

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 6 Results from L00  Clear D resolution improvements with L00  Most gain at low pt and in areas with much material  Still room for improvement of alignment

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 7 Physics Results  Data used for summer conferences 2003  Data set collected February 02 – May 03  230 pb -1 delivered, 170 pb -1 on tape, <140 pb -1 used for analysis  now 330 pb -1 delivered, 260 pb -1 on tape Some preliminary results available at higher statistics  Much progress since May 03  Italian group is giving key contributions  Will cover only highlights with emphasis on Italian work Top quark EWK B physics Discuss Bs mixing reach as example of trigger issues

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 8 Italian group contributions  B/charm physics  Topics: B  hh (A CP, BR),  b  p  search, B s  D s  & l D s (preparatory to B s mixing), B s   B d   K*, B   K (A CP, BR), D 0  hh (BR, A CP )  Groups involved: Padova, Pisa, Roma, Trieste  High pt physics  Topics: Z  bb, Higgs searches, top physics, hadronic top, top backgrounds, b-tagging, W+jets, forward W’s  Groups involved: Bologna, Padova (Trento), Pisa, Roma  Responsibilities:  Conveners of B physics subgroups  Convener of top group  Members of important review committees (eg. Higgs reach)  Most work in close cooperation with other non-Italian groups  Most work in close cooperation among the Italian groups

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 9 Top (di-leptons) 2 high p T leptons (e,  iso track) 2 central jets Large Missing E T H T : scalar sum of all the measured “objects” E T ’s (leptons,jets)

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 10 Top (l+jets) 1 high p T lepton(e,  )  3 central jets Large Missing E T

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 11 Top x-section

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 12 Top mass Mass in lepton+jets channel with a b-tagged jet Mass in dilepton channel CDF RunII preliminary, 108 pb -1 CDF RunII preliminary, 126 pb -1 6 events Data 22 evts

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 13 Hadronic top  Work in progress!  Top mass distribution with 165 pb -1 of double tagged multi-jet events  Background from 0 tag sample  Main goals: Top x-section in hadronic channel Top mass measurement in hadronic channel

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 14 Z  bb  Work in progress  ~70 pb-1  Update soon with >x2 statistics  Good understanding of sample composition  Trigger updated  Critical signal for:  Top mass accuracy  Improving bb di-jet mass resolution 2 tags subtracted 1 tag subtracted

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 15 Forward W’s  Current blessed result with ~70 pb -1  Update soon  Working on cross section systematics  Goals:  Measure x-section in forward region  W = 2.81±0.39 nb  Include forward W’s in top and other high pt analyses

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 16  3870   narrow resonance at ~ 3870 MeV reported by Belle at Lepton- Photon  34.4±6.5 events  May be an L=2 cc state  CDF has searched for this state in its large sample of  (>2M) and found it too!  8.5  effect  Hint seen in run 1 data

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 17 B lifetimes  Complete set of lifetime measurements with exclusive B states  Bu, Bd show reliability  Bs already better than WA BuBu BsBs

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 18 Bs  l Ds  Collecting the high statistics samples of B  lepton + Charm  Still working on lifetime systematics  This sample can be used also for Bs mixing

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 19 Hadronic B’s (2 body)  Yields doubled  Trigger work!  871 events in peak!  Now  eff ~ 6 pb  Measurements with 68 pb-1 only:  Will update for winter conferences Simulation B d  K  B s  KK B d   B s  K   = 5.252(2) GeV/c 2  = 41.1(1.9) MeV/c 2 M(  ) L~180 pb -1 Tight cuts 871 events Loose cuts 1766 events

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 20 Hadronic B’s (two body)  Current measurements and projections (68 pb -1 )  f s BR(B s  KK)/f d BR(B d  K  ) = 0.74±0.2±0.22 First measurement! CDF only Expect 10% error by next summer  BR(B d   )/BR(B d  K  ) = 0.26±0.11±0.06 Belle/BaBar errors: 0.033/0.035 LP2003 Could reach above accuracy by fall 2004  A CP (B d  K  ) = 0.02 ± 0.15 ± Belle error: LP2003  A CP (B d   ) : need ~2 fb -1 for  measurement to 10 o 10 o is still statistics limited  Expect ~x2 error reduction with current statistics (180 pb -1 )  Systematic too with better dE/dx

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 21 BR ( B ±   K ± ) at CDF First time at CDF : B ±   K ± BR( B ±   K ± ) ———————— = ± (stat.) ± (syst.) BR( B ±  J/  K ± )  2 3 ± 7 events  120 pb -1

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 22 Hadronic B’s (many bodies)  Understanding backgrounds and yields with large MC samples B+B+

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 23 Hadronic B’s (many bodies)  Understand hadronic Bs yield. Measure BR: NEW!  BR(B s  D s  ) = (4.8±1.2(stat)±1.8(BR)±0.8(sys)±0.6 (f s /f d ))x10 -3

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 24 Bs mixing expectations  Expectations extrapolating from current data  Still large uncertainties on: Final event yield (depends on upgrades) Max lifetime resolution achievable Max  D 2 (tagging power) achievable  Make very conservative assumptions!  Sensitivity =  m s /   2  sensitivity for = 15 ps -1 with ~0.5 fb -1 Surpass current world limit  5  sensitivity for = 18 ps -1 with 1.7 fb -1  5  sensitivity for = 24 ps -1 with 3.2 fb -1  Current constraints:  Lower limit LEP+SLD:  m s >15 ps -1 WA  Constraints from global fits:  m s = 21 ± 4 ps -1 (Durham 2003)

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 25 Bs yield  At higher luminosity need more L1 BW to preserve current yield  Expect ~2000 ev/fb -1 using additional D s decay modes Current performance 4x x x10 31

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 26 Tev goals beyond 2003  Fermilab has scaled down its plans for luminosity in June 2003  Silicon upgrade canceled! No long shutdown in 2005  Design plan max luminosity: 2.94x10 32  No recycler ~ base plan YearBase plan luminosity/yr (fb -1 ) Design plan Luminosity/yr (fb -1 ) FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Total

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 27 Impact on Higgs reach  Reach for SM Higgs and other “new” physics searches affected by factor 2-3 reduction in expected total integrated luminosity (relative to 15 fb -1 ) 4.41 fb -1 base plan 8.56 fb -1 design plan Sensitivity re-evaluated in June 2003 Slightly better Retain sensitivity to a low mass SM Higgs

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 28 Impact on physics program  Even 2 fb -1 represents x20 more luminosity than run 1  Major CDF/D0/Tevatron upgrade was fully justified by this expected integrated luminosity  We will get more than 2 fb -1, but not 15 fb -1 as the lab made us hope for some time  Important to make best of available luminosity  All other upgrades needed for this CDF is re-evaluating physics priorities and role of upgrades  Full support from Witherell, P5 and PAC on all other upgrades

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 29 Upgrade del rivelatore al Silicio per CDF Run IIb Il progetto e’ stato cancellato in fase di Preproduzione:  Tutte le parti gia’ a SiDet in quantita’ (~15% del totale)  Sensori da HPK al terzo mese di produzione (~350 a SiDet)  “On schedule” per finire a Maggio ‘05 (18 mesi di anticipo rispetto alla data ufficiale di Nov ‘06).  Ottimi risultati su svx4 chip e ibridi  Costi stimati ridotti notevolmente Progetto di chiusura:  Costruire 15 staves => installare nel prototipo di Barrel => el./mech. tests  Costruire 5 moduli di L0 => installare nel CF support structure => el./mech. tests  Installare L0 nel Barrel => e./mech. Tests  Circa 6 mesi con costi minimi (quasi tutto labor cost)

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 30 Summary of upgrade projects  Calorimetry upgrades  New central preradiator (CPR2) (see talk by Stefano Lami) (*)  Add timing to EM calorimeters (*)  Tracking upgrades  Full replacement of all silicon systems inside ISL (*)  Trigger upgrades  Improve resolution of L1 track trigger  Rebuild global L2  Increase event builder throughput  SVT upgrade (RW & associative memories) (see talk by P. Giannetti) (*New)  DAQ upgrades  TDC upgrade (speed up chamber readout)  Double SRC (speed up silicon readout)  CSL upgrade (double data logging bandwidth) (*) Activities with contributions from Italian group

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 31 Requests for upgrades  Silicon  NONE  Save 130 kEuro in kEuro in 2004!  Save 100 kEuro for additional SVT merger boards  CEM timing  NONE  Funding complete  CPR2 (see Lami’s talk):  100 kEuro in 2003 from SJ (Pisa)  82 kEuro in 2004(Pisa)  SVT ass. Mem. Board upgrade (NEW see Giannetti’s talk)  120 kEuro in 2004(Ferrara)  60 kEuro in 2004(Pisa)  150 kEuro in 2005 Total cost 330 kEuro

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 32 Group composition  CDF Italian group has grown by 20% relative to last year  Good to have data!  Future activities important to keep the group together

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 33 FY 2003 missioni/consumi

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 34 MOF  No developments since last meeting of IFC in April  New IFC meeting deferred to end of October (maybe)  Propose to fund as last year (250 kEuro) 20% increase in size of CDF Italian group overcompensates change in dollar exchange rate  There may be a need for adjustment after the October IFC meeting if some agreement is found

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 35 Summary of 2004 requests Includes all adjustments made after presentation of estimates in July 2003

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 36

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 37 TeV Luminosity (old slide May 13, 2003)  Peak luminosity still low but improving  Best 4.2x10 31  Delivered/on tape  230/170 pb -1 Delivered On tape 4x10 31 Luminosity Integrated Initial instantaneous

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 38 Tev luminosity  7 pb -1 /wk typical  Peak 9.7 pb -1

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 39 Tev goals beyond 2003  Fermilab long range plan (M.Witherell P5 presentation – March 26, 2003)

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 40 Status of CDF  Detector:  All systems commissioned and taking good quality data ISL: more cooling lines opened during the January shutdown! Only 1 cooling line (4% of total) remains plugged Silicon (hardware/trigger) in general much more stable and reliable ~90 % of all silicon systems currently taking data L1 accept rate limitation removed Some unrecoverable damage is piling up % powered % good % bad % error rate January 03 shutdown

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 41 New silicon  Status similar to May 03

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 42 Status of CDF Early June 2002 March 2003 Silicon trigger coverage

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 43 Status of CDF  SVX electronics very delicate  Still learning how to protect it from further damage Understand now much better sources of damage  Some concern about possible continuous degradation over long periods of time

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 44 L1 trigger  Require trigger deadtime < 5%  B triggers ~ 80% of L1, 50% L2/3  Fake rates higher than predictions Predicted L1 rate Vs luminosity Current Max. lum ~18 kHz 18 kHz 4/4

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 45 Bs trigger efficiency  Hard work has improved yields significantly

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 46 Additional Bs channels  B s  D s  (D s   ) ~30 events

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 47 Measuring  m s  Ingredients:  S = signal yield  S/B = signal/Background   t = proper lifetime resolution   D 2 = flavor tagging power  = flavor tagging efficiency D = flavor tagging dilution = 1-2w (w = flavor mistagging probability)

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 48 Bs mixing  Lifetime resolution  67 fs NOW  50 fs with event by event vertex and L00  Flavor tagging studies in progress  Large errors still on  D 2 measurements  Total ~ 6% in Run 1 sin(2  ) analysis  Now we have kaon tagging, but much more material  NN like techniques could help too  Assume (very conservatively!):  D 2 = 4% now (only SST, jet charge, lepton tags)  D 2 = 5% later after including kaon tags

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 49 Bs mixing  5  measurement  Feasible with moderate improvements in 2 fb -1  Can beat current world limit with 500 pb -1 and “current” performance  Harder than expected: needs lot of work and luminosity/detector upgrades Moderate improvements SM central value Now xsxs pb -1

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 50 Tevatron goals beyond 2003  During the June PAC review the issue of the usefulness of the silicon upgrade was seriously considered, but deferred to after the July accelerator review  Other upgrades regarded as “…already desirable at considerably lower luminosities.”  July DOE review of accelerator (Lehman) found the design goals ambitious and the base goals rather safe  On September 3 rd Witherell cancels silicon upgrade, but  Run II will still have highest priority. Resources recovered will be spent to improve Tevatron  Committed “…to complete the non-silicon parts of the CDF and D0 upgrades.”

Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 51 Impact of new luminosity expectations  Impact of smaller luminosity expectations can be reduced by appropriate upgrades  Most run IIb upgrades also help to make the best use of available luminosity Trigger/DAQ upgrades: Reduce fakes and therefore prescales for all B physics triggers Increase bandwidth gaining effective cross-section for prescaled triggers CEM timing and CPR upgrade: Improve S/N  allow reduced trigger/analysis thresholds for high pt  CDF and the laboratory fully support all the non- silicon upgrades