Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 1 CDF: Prospettive e upgrades Stato Tevatron e CDF Risultati recenti e prospettive Run IIB: Situazione generale Stato progetti a partecipazione italiana L’upgrade del CPR (v. presentazione S. Lami) L’upgrade di SVT (v. presentazione di P. Giannetti) Calcolo (v. presentazione S. Belforte) Sommario richieste finanziarie SOMMARIO INFN - Riunione della CSN 1 Lecce 24 Settembre 2003 Franco Bedeschi INFN-Pisa
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 2 TeV Luminosity (current situation) Peak luminosity Best 5.2x10 31 Delivered/on tape 330/260 pb -1 Delivered On tape 5x10 31 Luminosity Integrated Initial instantaneous
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 3 Tev 2003 Luminosity Goals for 2003 Base goals: 200 pb -1 in FY pb -1 /wk end of x10 31 typical Stretch goals: 320 pb -1 in FY pb -1 /wk end of x10 31 typical (~max achievable without Recycler) Integrated luminosity goal achieved, but … Half of shutdown in FY04 Avg. lum. lower than predicted FY04: Double data set ~150 pb -1 As of 5/6/03 ~250 pb -1 As of 9/3/03
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 4 CDF operations All CDF operating reliably Silicon stable Data taking efficiency high 80-90% typical Some limitations in L1 trigger output rate < 20 kHz achieved ~ 50 kHz design Force prescale of B physics Problem gets worse at higher luminosity (more in Paola’s talk) Requires work on DAQ/L2 Massive Italian effort on SVT L00 aligned and improving resolution Now Hadronic Bs trigger
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 5 SVT trigger improvements in 2003 (at 0 cost) Whatever could be done with no upgrade has already been done! 4/5 : 1.5x efficiency, more uniform coverage, avoid efficiency change while single SVX ladder are out of DAQ for a few days - Carosi 3/3 : recover another SVX wedge/barrel - Carosi AMS firmware optimization : saves 700nsec – Belforte Avoid fitting tracks 1.5<Pt<2 : 30% less to fit – Belforte Skip events that do not require SVT al L2 (hight Pt jets, MET and leptons): saves 1 microsec (more as L increases) – Belforte, Rescigno Road Warrior: removes duplicate fit combination for 4/5, saves 30% of time Algorithm, timing studies, simulation, proof of feasibility - Annovi, Belforte, Catastini, Cerri Firmware – Spinella (this fall) Money (~60k$) - Fermilab
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 6 Results from L00 Clear D resolution improvements with L00 Most gain at low pt and in areas with much material Still room for improvement of alignment
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 7 Physics Results Data used for summer conferences 2003 Data set collected February 02 – May 03 230 pb -1 delivered, 170 pb -1 on tape, <140 pb -1 used for analysis now 330 pb -1 delivered, 260 pb -1 on tape Some preliminary results available at higher statistics Much progress since May 03 Italian group is giving key contributions Will cover only highlights with emphasis on Italian work Top quark EWK B physics Discuss Bs mixing reach as example of trigger issues
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 8 Italian group contributions B/charm physics Topics: B hh (A CP, BR), b p search, B s D s & l D s (preparatory to B s mixing), B s B d K*, B K (A CP, BR), D 0 hh (BR, A CP ) Groups involved: Padova, Pisa, Roma, Trieste High pt physics Topics: Z bb, Higgs searches, top physics, hadronic top, top backgrounds, b-tagging, W+jets, forward W’s Groups involved: Bologna, Padova (Trento), Pisa, Roma Responsibilities: Conveners of B physics subgroups Convener of top group Members of important review committees (eg. Higgs reach) Most work in close cooperation with other non-Italian groups Most work in close cooperation among the Italian groups
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 9 Top (di-leptons) 2 high p T leptons (e, iso track) 2 central jets Large Missing E T H T : scalar sum of all the measured “objects” E T ’s (leptons,jets)
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 10 Top (l+jets) 1 high p T lepton(e, ) 3 central jets Large Missing E T
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 11 Top x-section
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 12 Top mass Mass in lepton+jets channel with a b-tagged jet Mass in dilepton channel CDF RunII preliminary, 108 pb -1 CDF RunII preliminary, 126 pb -1 6 events Data 22 evts
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 13 Hadronic top Work in progress! Top mass distribution with 165 pb -1 of double tagged multi-jet events Background from 0 tag sample Main goals: Top x-section in hadronic channel Top mass measurement in hadronic channel
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 14 Z bb Work in progress ~70 pb-1 Update soon with >x2 statistics Good understanding of sample composition Trigger updated Critical signal for: Top mass accuracy Improving bb di-jet mass resolution 2 tags subtracted 1 tag subtracted
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 15 Forward W’s Current blessed result with ~70 pb -1 Update soon Working on cross section systematics Goals: Measure x-section in forward region W = 2.81±0.39 nb Include forward W’s in top and other high pt analyses
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 16 3870 narrow resonance at ~ 3870 MeV reported by Belle at Lepton- Photon 34.4±6.5 events May be an L=2 cc state CDF has searched for this state in its large sample of (>2M) and found it too! 8.5 effect Hint seen in run 1 data
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 17 B lifetimes Complete set of lifetime measurements with exclusive B states Bu, Bd show reliability Bs already better than WA BuBu BsBs
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 18 Bs l Ds Collecting the high statistics samples of B lepton + Charm Still working on lifetime systematics This sample can be used also for Bs mixing
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 19 Hadronic B’s (2 body) Yields doubled Trigger work! 871 events in peak! Now eff ~ 6 pb Measurements with 68 pb-1 only: Will update for winter conferences Simulation B d K B s KK B d B s K = 5.252(2) GeV/c 2 = 41.1(1.9) MeV/c 2 M( ) L~180 pb -1 Tight cuts 871 events Loose cuts 1766 events
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 20 Hadronic B’s (two body) Current measurements and projections (68 pb -1 ) f s BR(B s KK)/f d BR(B d K ) = 0.74±0.2±0.22 First measurement! CDF only Expect 10% error by next summer BR(B d )/BR(B d K ) = 0.26±0.11±0.06 Belle/BaBar errors: 0.033/0.035 LP2003 Could reach above accuracy by fall 2004 A CP (B d K ) = 0.02 ± 0.15 ± Belle error: LP2003 A CP (B d ) : need ~2 fb -1 for measurement to 10 o 10 o is still statistics limited Expect ~x2 error reduction with current statistics (180 pb -1 ) Systematic too with better dE/dx
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 21 BR ( B ± K ± ) at CDF First time at CDF : B ± K ± BR( B ± K ± ) ———————— = ± (stat.) ± (syst.) BR( B ± J/ K ± ) 2 3 ± 7 events 120 pb -1
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 22 Hadronic B’s (many bodies) Understanding backgrounds and yields with large MC samples B+B+
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 23 Hadronic B’s (many bodies) Understand hadronic Bs yield. Measure BR: NEW! BR(B s D s ) = (4.8±1.2(stat)±1.8(BR)±0.8(sys)±0.6 (f s /f d ))x10 -3
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 24 Bs mixing expectations Expectations extrapolating from current data Still large uncertainties on: Final event yield (depends on upgrades) Max lifetime resolution achievable Max D 2 (tagging power) achievable Make very conservative assumptions! Sensitivity = m s / 2 sensitivity for = 15 ps -1 with ~0.5 fb -1 Surpass current world limit 5 sensitivity for = 18 ps -1 with 1.7 fb -1 5 sensitivity for = 24 ps -1 with 3.2 fb -1 Current constraints: Lower limit LEP+SLD: m s >15 ps -1 WA Constraints from global fits: m s = 21 ± 4 ps -1 (Durham 2003)
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 25 Bs yield At higher luminosity need more L1 BW to preserve current yield Expect ~2000 ev/fb -1 using additional D s decay modes Current performance 4x x x10 31
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 26 Tev goals beyond 2003 Fermilab has scaled down its plans for luminosity in June 2003 Silicon upgrade canceled! No long shutdown in 2005 Design plan max luminosity: 2.94x10 32 No recycler ~ base plan YearBase plan luminosity/yr (fb -1 ) Design plan Luminosity/yr (fb -1 ) FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Total
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 27 Impact on Higgs reach Reach for SM Higgs and other “new” physics searches affected by factor 2-3 reduction in expected total integrated luminosity (relative to 15 fb -1 ) 4.41 fb -1 base plan 8.56 fb -1 design plan Sensitivity re-evaluated in June 2003 Slightly better Retain sensitivity to a low mass SM Higgs
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 28 Impact on physics program Even 2 fb -1 represents x20 more luminosity than run 1 Major CDF/D0/Tevatron upgrade was fully justified by this expected integrated luminosity We will get more than 2 fb -1, but not 15 fb -1 as the lab made us hope for some time Important to make best of available luminosity All other upgrades needed for this CDF is re-evaluating physics priorities and role of upgrades Full support from Witherell, P5 and PAC on all other upgrades
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 29 Upgrade del rivelatore al Silicio per CDF Run IIb Il progetto e’ stato cancellato in fase di Preproduzione: Tutte le parti gia’ a SiDet in quantita’ (~15% del totale) Sensori da HPK al terzo mese di produzione (~350 a SiDet) “On schedule” per finire a Maggio ‘05 (18 mesi di anticipo rispetto alla data ufficiale di Nov ‘06). Ottimi risultati su svx4 chip e ibridi Costi stimati ridotti notevolmente Progetto di chiusura: Costruire 15 staves => installare nel prototipo di Barrel => el./mech. tests Costruire 5 moduli di L0 => installare nel CF support structure => el./mech. tests Installare L0 nel Barrel => e./mech. Tests Circa 6 mesi con costi minimi (quasi tutto labor cost)
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 30 Summary of upgrade projects Calorimetry upgrades New central preradiator (CPR2) (see talk by Stefano Lami) (*) Add timing to EM calorimeters (*) Tracking upgrades Full replacement of all silicon systems inside ISL (*) Trigger upgrades Improve resolution of L1 track trigger Rebuild global L2 Increase event builder throughput SVT upgrade (RW & associative memories) (see talk by P. Giannetti) (*New) DAQ upgrades TDC upgrade (speed up chamber readout) Double SRC (speed up silicon readout) CSL upgrade (double data logging bandwidth) (*) Activities with contributions from Italian group
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 31 Requests for upgrades Silicon NONE Save 130 kEuro in kEuro in 2004! Save 100 kEuro for additional SVT merger boards CEM timing NONE Funding complete CPR2 (see Lami’s talk): 100 kEuro in 2003 from SJ (Pisa) 82 kEuro in 2004(Pisa) SVT ass. Mem. Board upgrade (NEW see Giannetti’s talk) 120 kEuro in 2004(Ferrara) 60 kEuro in 2004(Pisa) 150 kEuro in 2005 Total cost 330 kEuro
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 32 Group composition CDF Italian group has grown by 20% relative to last year Good to have data! Future activities important to keep the group together
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 33 FY 2003 missioni/consumi
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 34 MOF No developments since last meeting of IFC in April New IFC meeting deferred to end of October (maybe) Propose to fund as last year (250 kEuro) 20% increase in size of CDF Italian group overcompensates change in dollar exchange rate There may be a need for adjustment after the October IFC meeting if some agreement is found
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 35 Summary of 2004 requests Includes all adjustments made after presentation of estimates in July 2003
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 36
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 37 TeV Luminosity (old slide May 13, 2003) Peak luminosity still low but improving Best 4.2x10 31 Delivered/on tape 230/170 pb -1 Delivered On tape 4x10 31 Luminosity Integrated Initial instantaneous
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 38 Tev luminosity 7 pb -1 /wk typical Peak 9.7 pb -1
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 39 Tev goals beyond 2003 Fermilab long range plan (M.Witherell P5 presentation – March 26, 2003)
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 40 Status of CDF Detector: All systems commissioned and taking good quality data ISL: more cooling lines opened during the January shutdown! Only 1 cooling line (4% of total) remains plugged Silicon (hardware/trigger) in general much more stable and reliable ~90 % of all silicon systems currently taking data L1 accept rate limitation removed Some unrecoverable damage is piling up % powered % good % bad % error rate January 03 shutdown
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 41 New silicon Status similar to May 03
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 42 Status of CDF Early June 2002 March 2003 Silicon trigger coverage
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 43 Status of CDF SVX electronics very delicate Still learning how to protect it from further damage Understand now much better sources of damage Some concern about possible continuous degradation over long periods of time
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 44 L1 trigger Require trigger deadtime < 5% B triggers ~ 80% of L1, 50% L2/3 Fake rates higher than predictions Predicted L1 rate Vs luminosity Current Max. lum ~18 kHz 18 kHz 4/4
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 45 Bs trigger efficiency Hard work has improved yields significantly
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 46 Additional Bs channels B s D s (D s ) ~30 events
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 47 Measuring m s Ingredients: S = signal yield S/B = signal/Background t = proper lifetime resolution D 2 = flavor tagging power = flavor tagging efficiency D = flavor tagging dilution = 1-2w (w = flavor mistagging probability)
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 48 Bs mixing Lifetime resolution 67 fs NOW 50 fs with event by event vertex and L00 Flavor tagging studies in progress Large errors still on D 2 measurements Total ~ 6% in Run 1 sin(2 ) analysis Now we have kaon tagging, but much more material NN like techniques could help too Assume (very conservatively!): D 2 = 4% now (only SST, jet charge, lepton tags) D 2 = 5% later after including kaon tags
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 49 Bs mixing 5 measurement Feasible with moderate improvements in 2 fb -1 Can beat current world limit with 500 pb -1 and “current” performance Harder than expected: needs lot of work and luminosity/detector upgrades Moderate improvements SM central value Now xsxs pb -1
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 50 Tevatron goals beyond 2003 During the June PAC review the issue of the usefulness of the silicon upgrade was seriously considered, but deferred to after the July accelerator review Other upgrades regarded as “…already desirable at considerably lower luminosities.” July DOE review of accelerator (Lehman) found the design goals ambitious and the base goals rather safe On September 3 rd Witherell cancels silicon upgrade, but Run II will still have highest priority. Resources recovered will be spent to improve Tevatron Committed “…to complete the non-silicon parts of the CDF and D0 upgrades.”
Pisa: Settembre 2003F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 51 Impact of new luminosity expectations Impact of smaller luminosity expectations can be reduced by appropriate upgrades Most run IIb upgrades also help to make the best use of available luminosity Trigger/DAQ upgrades: Reduce fakes and therefore prescales for all B physics triggers Increase bandwidth gaining effective cross-section for prescaled triggers CEM timing and CPR upgrade: Improve S/N allow reduced trigger/analysis thresholds for high pt CDF and the laboratory fully support all the non- silicon upgrades