Possessive Adjectives in French
My There are three ways to say “my” in French. You have to know the gender and number of the thing that is being possessed. Masculine Singular---mon Feminine Singular---ma Pluralmes
Examples w/my You first determine the gender and number of the noun. My brotherMon frère Since brother is both singular and masculine, you use the masculine singular form of my. My sisterMa soeur (explain to me)
Your When you want to say something is yours, you use either ton, ta, or tes. Again we must first determine the gender and number of the noun.Again we must first determine the gender and number of the noun. Your fatherton pèreYour fatherton père Your sisterta soeurYour sisterta soeur Your friendstes amisYour friendstes amis
His, hers To say something belongs to him, her, or it- --use son, sa, or ses. Son is masculine, Sa is feminine, and ses is plural His booksSes livres Her sweaterson pull His sistersa soeur
Ours There are only two forms that mean our or ours; notre and nos. This makes determining which to use very easy!! Notre---singular Nos—plural Our house-----notre maison Our teachers---nos professeurs
Your You will have to decide which your to use based on the tu vs. vous rule. If you don’t know the person well or you want to be polite you will use this form---votre, vos Votre—singularvos—pluralVotre—singularvos—plural Your mother---votre mèreYour mother---votre mère Your sisters---vos soeursYour sisters---vos soeurs
Their Figuring out which their to use is very simple because there is only a singular and plural form. Leur---singularLeurs—plural Their aunt---leur tante Their aunts---leurs tantes
Fill in the blanks!!! _________ soeur (his sister) _________oncle (her uncle) _________ fils (my son)
Answers ____Sa_____ soeur (his sister) ____Son_____oncle (her uncle) _____Mon____ fils (my son)
Fill in the blanks!! _________ grand-parents (your grandparents) _________ voiture (their car) _________ salle de classe (our classroom)
Answers _Vos/Tes___ grand-parents (your grandparents) __Leur_______ voiture (their car) _____Notre____ salle de classe (our classroom)
One last thing…… You can not use ma, ta, or sa in front of words that start with a vowel sound. For those words you would have to use the masculine form! Mon amie (my feminine friend) Ton étudiante (your female student)