Monday, 5:30pm A
Thursday, 4:15pm B
A 1.Où est-elle? 2.Que porte-elle? 3.Quand va-t-elle au vestiaire? 4.Qui a le ballon de foot? 5.Pourquoi a-t-elle le ballon de foot? B 1.Où est-il? 2.Que porte-il? 3.Quand va-t-il au stade? 4.Qui marque un but? 5.Pourquoi a-t-il le ballon de foot?
Unité 4A Your goal: To demonstrate that you can say a question and respond to a question en français. You partner will read the questions from either image A or B to you. These questions will not be in the order shown on the other side of this handout. You will respond, in complete sentences, in French, to these questions. I will be listening for a subject, verb and the rest of the sentence necessary to answer the question. You will have the corresponding images available to you, but will NOT have any written French available as a reference. You will then do the same for your partner, reading the questions for his/her image. Grade (15 points) Pronunciation of questions (5 points) Are you saying the questions correctly? Pronunciation and content of answers (10 points) Does your answer actually answer the question? Are you pronouncing your answer correctly?