Target: To create a poster which displays your opinions in French Les Opinions Target: To create a poster which displays your opinions in French
Things that you like… J’adore…. I love…. J’aime… I like…..
If you have neither opinion Bof, ça va….. Hmmm, it’s ok..
Things that you don’t like.. Je n’aime pas…. I don’t like….. Je deteste…. I hate….
‘Le’, ‘la’ or plural ‘les’? Now add the opinion! Remember that you must add whether or not the noun is male or female!!! ‘Le’, ‘la’ or plural ‘les’? E.g. I like chocolate! Look up chocolate in your dictionaries… chocolat = chocolate *[noun-masculine] J’aime le chocolat!
If it’s not in there – think again! Now choose! What do you…. Like? Love? Find ok? Not like? Hate? Think about something for each of the opinions – now look in your French dictionary and try to find it! If it’s not in there – think again!
Je n’aime pas les champignons. Create your poster Je n’aime pas les champignons. J’adore le shopping! J’aime le chocolat! Je deteste les pois! Le football, bof ça va….. Draw a border around your piece.