La narración y la descripción en el futuro AP Spanish
Review of the Future Endings: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án Irregulars: caber: cabr-querer: querr- decir: dir-saber: sabr- haber: habr-salir: saldr- hacer: har-tener: tendr- poder: podr-valer: valdr- poner: pondr- venir: vendr-
Review of Future Perfect habréhabremos habráshabréis+ past participle habráhabrán(pg 46) means: will have…
Present Subjunctive- emotion, feelings, and judgment The subjunctive is used after verbs and expressions of emotion, feeling, and judgement: alegrarse de queto be happy that eperar queto hope that estar contento (triste) de queto be happy/sad that parece mentira queto seem a lie that puede ser queto be able to be that sentir deto feel sorprenderse de queto be surprised that temer que to fear that tener miedo de que to fear that valer la pena que to be worthwhile that
Present Subjunctive- impersonal expressions es absurdo que It’s absurd that es curioso que It’s curious that es escandaloso que It’s scandalous that es imposible que It’s impossible that es increíble queIt’s incredible that es indispensable que It’s essential that es justo queIt’s just that es una lástima que It’s a shame that es posible queIt’s possible that
Present Subjunctive- impersonal expressions es preferible queIt’s preferable that es probable queIt’s probable that es ridículo queIt’s ridiculous that es sorprendente queIt’s surprising that es triste queIt’s sad that Remember that if the subject of both verbs is identical or the subject is understood but not expressed (impersonal), use the infinitive.
Present Subjunctive- doubt, denial, and uncertainty The subjunctive is also used after verbs and expressions of doubt, denial, uncertainty, and negation: ¿Creer que…? To believe that? no creer que to not believe that no estar seguro(a) de quenot sure that dudar queto doubt that no pensar que to not think that negar queto refuse that es dudoso que It’s doubtful that
Present Subjunctive- doubt, denial, and uncertainty Note: that expressions which indicate certainty require the indicative. es cierto queIt’s certain that es obvio queIt’s obvious that no hay duda de queThere’s no doubt that es claro queIt’s clear that es seguro queIt’s sure that estar seguro(a) de queto be sure that es evidente queIt’s evident that es verdad que It’s true that
Present Subjunctive- Conjunctions conjunctions that require the subjunctive: a condición de que provided that a fin de queso that, in order that a menos que unless a no ser queunless antes de quebefore con tal (de) queprovided that en caso de quein case that para queso that, in order that sin quewithout
Present Subjunctive- Conjunctions Certain conjunctions can be used with either the indicative or the subjunctive. They require subjunctive if the action or event has not yet occurred. They require indicative if the action or event has already occurred or is customary.
Present Subjunctive- Conjunctions Conjuctions that use either subjunctive or indicative: de manera queso, so that de modo queso, so that mientras quewhile en cuantoas soon as tan pronto comoas soon as así queas soon as después (de) queafter
Present Subjunctive- Conjunctions Conjuctions that use either subjunctive or indicative: luego queas soon as hasta queuntil cuandowhen una vez queonce cada vez queeach time that
Present Subjunctive- Conjunctions Aunque is used with the indicative when it refers to a factual event or situation. (aunque translates to even though or although) Aunque is used when the 2 nd clause refers to a hypothetical event or situation, unknown or unclear to the speaker. (aunque translates to even if)
Present Subjunctive- relative clauses The subjunctive is used after a relative pronoun (usually que) when the clause the pronoun introduces: refers to a person, place, or thing which may not exist or may not be found. (NOTE: no personal a is used except when using alguien, nadie, alguno, and ninguno when referring to people) refers to a negative antecedent such as nadie, nada, or ninguno. Example: No conozco a nadie que sepa hablar experanto. (sepa refers to antecedent nadie)
Present Subjunctive- relative clauses The indicative is used after a relative pronoun when the clause the pronoun introduces refers to a person, place, or thing which definitely exists. Alejandro busca una computadora que no cueste mucho. (doesn´t exist yet) Elena tiene una computadora que costó poco. (it exists because she has it)
Present Subjunctive- Other Uses -quiera can be added to certain words to form indefinite expressions: adondequiera to wherever comoquierahowever cuandoquierawhenever dondequierawherever quienquiera, quinesquierawhoever cualquier, cualquiera, cualesquiera whatever, whichever
Present Subjunctive- Other Uses These conjunctions are followed by the subjunctive if uncertainty is implied and the indicative if something is known. Subjunctive: Yo compraré cualquier coche que me guste. Indicative: Samuel compra cualquier coche que le gusta.
Present Subjunctive- Other Uses The subjunctive is used in the construction: por + adjective/adverb + que + subjunctive Por difícil que sea el examen, saldré bien. No matter how difficult the exam may be, I will do well.
Present Subjunctive- Other Uses The subjunctive is used in the following construction: subjunctive + lo que + subjunctive Venga lo que venga, le daré la bienvendia.
Present Subjunctive- Other Uses Tal vez (perhaps), quizás (maybe), a lo mejor (probably), and posiblemente (possibly) can be followed by either the indicative or the subjunctive depending on the degree of certainty of the statement.