Capítulo 7A- Apuntes #2 Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives to point to things! *You use demonstrative adjectives *In English, they are this, these / that, those *In Spanish, they are Este, esta, estos, estas / ese, esa, esos, esas *In Spanish, they agree with the noun in and number (singular/plural) gender (masculine/feminine)
NOTE #1: 1). this and these refer to things that are closer to you este, esta, estos, estas 2). that and those refer to things that are farther from you ese, esa, esos, esas
THIS/THESE THAT/THOSE near you THAT/THOSE far from you this coat this skirt that coat that skirt these coats these skirts those coats those skirts este abrigo ese abrigo esta falda esa falda esos abrigos estos abrigos estas faldas esas faldas
Note #2: 1). To help you remember the difference: closer to you has a : t este; esta; estos; estas = this/these doesn’t have the t farther from you : ese; esa; esos; esas = that/those 2). Word Clues: here = (close to you) there = (far from you) aqui allí
Práctica Translate the following and circle all of the demonstrative adjectives: I prefer to wear these jeans and not those pants to the party. You (tú) have to buy that t-shirt and this cap for the P.E. class. They plan to wear this suit and that dress to the school dance. We want to enter these clothing stores on the first floor here and not those clothing stores there on the second floor. Prefiero llevar jeans y no pantalones a la fiesta. estos esos esa Tú tienes que comprar camiseta y gorra para la clase de educación física. esta Piensan llevar traje y vestido al baile de la escuela. este ese Queremos entrar a tiendas de ropa en la planta baja aqui y no a tiendas de ropa allí en el primer piso. estas esas