Quasimodo: What is… – A noun? Person/place/thing/idea Example: player – jugador, stadium -- estadio – An adjective? Describes a noun Example: athletic – atlético, big -- grande – An adverb? Describes a verb, adjective, or adverb Example: very – muy / a lot -- mucho – A verb? Action/state of being Example: is – es / runs -- corre Give me an example in English and Spanish of each one! El jugador es muy atlético. El equipo corre mucho en el estadio.
Práctica con un diccionario: You look up the word “fast” on Spanishdict.com. You have 3 main options to chose from. – Rápido(a) – Ayuno (m) – Ayunar Just from looking at them, which do you think is a verb? Which is a noun? Which is an adjective? Which would use for the sentence “The player is fast.” ?
Which word would you use for a sports net? (like tenis, soccer, or volleyball would use) Spanishdict.com
Which word would you use for “The team marched into the stadium.” ? Which would you use for “We are going to the game in March.” ?
Project work time: You don’t have computers today – work on the rough draft of your essay. There are dictionaries up front. If you aren’t sure which word choice to go with ask me for help. MONDAY – work day with computers TUESDAY – Rough draft due (just as pretty as the final draft!) – Peer editing day WEDNESDAY – Work day with computers THURSDAY & FRIDAY – Presentations.