Ttbar10588.21 4 jets E T >30 GeV, ||<2.4 7299.66(68.9%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||<2.1 834.06(11.4%) HLT1MuonNonIso638.84(76.6%) Weighted events.


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Presentation transcript:

ttbar jets E T >30 GeV, ||< (68.9%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (11.4%) HLT1MuonNonIso638.84(76.6%) Weighted events (100 pb -1 ) Chowder All Events 4 jets E T >40 GeV, ||< (50.6%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (10.09%) HLT1MuonNonIso395.52(73.1%) 4 jets E T >40 GeV, ||<2.4 (65/40/40/40) (49.69%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (10.09%) HLT1MuonNonIso387.57(73.1%) 4 jets E T >65 GeV, ||< (15.0%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (10.2%) HLT1MuonNonIso108.36(67.8%)

4 jets Et>304 jets Et>40 4 jets Et>40 (65/40/40/40)4 jets Et>65

4 jets Et>30 4 jets Et>40 4 jets Et>65

semimu hadronic

Chowder AllEvents ReReco 100pb ttbar jets E T >30 GeV, ||< (69.7%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (11.5%) HLT1MuonNonIso (77.4%) 4 jets E T >40 GeV, ||< (51.7%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (10.1%) HLT1MuonNonIso (74.2%) 4 jets E T >65 GeV, ||< (16.2%) 1 reconstructed muon P T >30 GeV, ||< (10.1%) HLT1MuonNonIso867.61(68.4%)

4 jets Et>30 4 jets Et>40 4 jets Et>65

ttbar events