TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can say the preposition rhyme and use directions to figure out where something is located Vocab/Ideas: Calle Doble Vaya Camine Montar Siga Cuadra Vámonos: Translate the following sentences: 1. It seems to me that the cruise ship is big. 2. The thief laughs but never smiles. 3. The trip is for anyone. 4. The people find the church.
VÁMONOS 1. It seems to me that the cruise ship is big. 2. The thief laughs but never smiles. 3. The trip is for anyone. 4. The people find the church. Me parece que el crucero es grande. El ladrón/ La ladrona ríe pero nunca sonríe. El viaje es para alguien. La gente encuentra la iglesia.
VOCAB/IDEAS Our new vocabulary words will be on the top of the slide. If you think you know what the word means, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the definition. For each new word, we will need an action. After we have the definition, if you can ACT OUT the word, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the action with the class. Everyone will do the new action.
Calle Street
Doble Turn (command)
Vaya/Camine Go/Walk (command)
Montar To ride
Siga Continue
Cuadra Block (of a street)
Spanish Preposition Rhyme You will have 10 minutes to form groups and practice the rhyme together. At the end of the 10 minutes each group will be filmed doing their rhyme.
C OPY DOWN THE S PANISH P REPOSITION RHYME !!! Spanish Prepositions: Use them to tell where things are located. Izquierda (de)______________, derecha (de)______________,delante(de) ____________, detrás(de) ________________, cerca(de) ______________, y lejos(de)_______________, Y algo más... abajo(de)________________, arriba(de)_____________, enfrente(de)________________, encima(de)_______________, debajo(de)__________________, entre_______________, al lado(de)______________ y ya
L ISTENING C OMPREHENSION Using the map you were given, listen to the instructions. For each number, write down where you end up.
TAREA Re-write your free write in a paragraph or story form. Make sure to check for any errors you may have made and correct them! Add illustrations to go with your paragraph/story. Make sure that your NAME and the NUMBER OF WORDS is on your paper