Voces 1 - Capítulo 13 Los mandatos (imperativos) formales
Los mandatos formales Command forms of verbs are used to tell someone what to do (positive command) or what not to do (negative command). For example: Open your book. Take out your homework. Don’t talk! In Spanish, there are formal commands (Ud., Uds.) and informal (tú) commands.
Los mandatos formales (regulares) To form the Ud. and Uds. command forms: Take the present tense “yo” form Drop the –o ending Add one of the following endings: Note that the formal command forms use the vowel opposite that which is usually associated with the conjugation. -ar verbs-er/-ir verbs Usted (Ud.)-e-a Ustedes (Uds.)-en-an
Why start with the “yo” form? Verbs with irregularities in the “yo” form (stem- changes, -go verbs, irregular “yo” forms) have that same irregularity in the formal command forms. For example: Put the backpack on the floor. pongo pong- Ponga (Ud.) o Pongan (Uds.) la mochila en el piso.
Spelling Changes -ar verbs that end in – car, - gar, or –zar will have a spelling change. For example: Buscar el libro. Llegar a tiempo. Empezar la tarea.
How do I make a command negative? To make a formal command negative, place “no” before the verb. Don’t talk! ¡No hable! ¡No hablen!
Where do I put subject pronouns? If you choose to use the subject pronoun Ud. or Uds. with the command form, place the pronoun after the command. ¡No hable Ud.! ¡Hablen Uds.!
Ejemplos You guys walk, don’t run. Caminen (Uds.), no corran.
Ejemplos Open the door, don’t close the window. (Ud.) Abra (Ud.) la puerta, no cierre la ventana.
Ejemplos You guys do the homework, don’t go out. Hagan (Uds.) la tarea, no salgan.
Los irregulares There are only five verbs that are irregular in the formal command form. Ud. commandUds. command dar estar ir saber ser déden estéestén vayavayan sepasepan seasean
Ejemplos You guys be smart, don’t be stupid. Sean inteligentes, no sean estúpidos.
Ejemplos Give expensive presents, don’t give cheap presents. (Ud.) Dé regalos caros, no dé regalos baratos.
Mandatos formales con pronombres Reflexive, indirect and direct object pronouns must be attached to the end of positive commands. When adding one pronoun, accent the 3 rd to last vowel. When adding two pronouns, accent the 4 th to last vowel. Por ejemplo: Lave los platos. Lávelos.
Mandatos formales con pronombres Reflexive, indirect and direct object pronouns must precede negative commands. Por ejemplo: No lave los platos. No los lave.