SQTF: Phone Conference G. Darbo- INFN / Genova SQTF, 03/08/2006 o SQTF - Phone Conference G. Darbo - INFN / Genova Indico agenda page:
SQTF: Phone Conference C. Darbo INFN / Genova SQTF, 03/08/ Pipe Inserted Staves passed: 17 Staves with not complete QC still in Bonn but qualified: 4 4027: text file, not imported in excel 4035: text file, not imported in excel 4096: text file, not imported in excel 4085: tested in CPPM Staves that need module replacement: 4066: M6a, M5C 4098: M0 4075: M6C Stave with high DT/W: 4015: 2.71/3.06 (Mean/Max) 4016: 2.33/2.68 (Mean/Max) 4028: 2.28/2.71 (Mean/Max) 4043: 2.55/3.01 (Mean/Max) 4055: 2.63/2.93 (Mean/Max)
SQTF: Phone Conference C. Darbo INFN / Genova SQTF, 03/08/ Loaded Staves The loading rate is 0.38 staves/day or 2.7 staves/week. Since last ID week 10 new staves loaded (9 IVW + 1 Repaired) = 71 New Pipe Staves loaded Genova: GE_42/IVW22: Load/QC GE_43/IVW26: Load/QC GE_44/S4147: Load/QC GE_45/IVW23: Load Marseille: MA_39/IVW17: Load/QC MA_40/IVW19: Load/QC MA_41/IVW24: Load/QC MA_42/IVW18: Load Wuppertal: WU_26/S4136: Load/(PDB problem) WU_27/IVW20: Load WU_28/IVW25: Load
SQTF: Phone Conference C. Darbo INFN / Genova SQTF, 03/08/ Modules Available for Loading Grand Total = = 86.7 Staves (need some x-check)