1 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 E-Learning & E-Teaching Welcome to the CASUS Authoring System!
2 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Authoring System E-Learning & E-Teaching The web-based CASUS authoring system enables you to rapidly create interactive case studies without the need for any training. These case studies can then be used for training or further education purposes. The following quick guide provides an overview of the possibilities offered by the authoring system: Creating new courses Creating cases using text, exercises, answer comments and expert comments Integrating multimedia material such as images and films
3 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Login E-Learning & E-Teaching The login takes you to the selection menu page.
4 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 E-Learning & E-Teaching CASUS Authoring System – Quick Guide By clicking on the linkAuthoring Mode, you enter the authoring system, where you can create new cases or edit existing cases.
5 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Page Structure and Metadata E-Learning & E-Teaching The interface of the authoring tool is divided into the navigation area on the left, where the case structure and case name are displayed, By clicking on Save, the name of the case is transferred to the navigation bar on the left and you are given the possibility to create chapter divisions. and the input field on the right (the actual editor), where the metadata of the case and the card content can be edited. Entering metadata (e.g. the subject area and author names) facilitates database searches. You should therefore enter as much information as possible in these fields. TIPS & TRICKS!
6 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure E-Learning & E-Teaching The case structure can be subdivided into three levels: 1. Chapters (= didactic units) 2. Subchapters (optional) 3. Screen cards, which students using the CASUS learning system will work on.
7 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Chapters/Subchapters E-Learning & E-Teaching You can delete elements with the dustbin symbol. Beware! Deleting a chapter or subchapter also deletes all subordinated cards!! This action cannot be undone. TIPS & TRICKS! By clicking on no name, you can enter a chapter title. This opens the screen card, where you can enter the corresponding chapter title which will then be transferred to the navigation bar after clicking on Save. To create a subchapter or a new card, click on the -symbol next to the chapter title in order to add the relevant card or (sub-)chapter. You can select the corresponding element from the popup-menu which appears.
8 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Screen Cards E-Learning & E-Teaching Cards comprise the following elements: Text Multimedia material (images or films) Exercises with the possibility to enter answers Answer comments and expert comments
9 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Screen Card – Text E-Learning & E-Teaching Texts (e.g. info-text, exercise instructions, answer comments and expert comments) are created with the Word-based editor, which provides quick and intuitive editing possibilities. The functionalities of the editor correspond to those found in Word. Remember to use the Save function to save your texts, amendments, changes etc. TIPS & TRICKS!
10 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Screen Cards – Hyperlinks E-Learning & E-Teaching You can also directly insert hyperlinks to different sources (e.g. popup- menus with text, images, external URLs) into the text: Highlight the term you want to link in the text and click on the icon in the editor. A window with the hyperlink editor opens. Click OK to confirm the operation; this will save the hyperlink. Click on the tab with the desired link and enter the text as shown in the example.
11 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Multimedia E-Learning & E-Teaching You can upload up to 12 images (.jpg for photos,.gif for tables or graphics, or.png files) or 1 film (.mov or.mpeg). Maximum image size is 1024 x 768 pixels or 1 MB. The file size of films is limited to 10 MB. Before adding images or films, please check for copyrights or obtain permission from the patient! TIPS & TRICKS! To add an image or a film to your card, click on upload.
12 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Multimedia E-Learning & E-Teaching You can enter a key into the field to the right of the uploaded multimedia element. A new window opens which allows you to browse your folders for images. Highlight the desired image and TIPS & TRICKS! You can add additional information (hotspots, hyperlinks etc.) to images using the image editor ( Edit)! click on Open to upload the image file. Click on Save to accept the image/film.
13 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Exercises/Answer Types E-Learning & E-Teaching To enter an exercise/a question or the corresponding answer type, click on the popup- menu. This will display a list of possible answer types. Clicking on the desired answer type opens the corresponding editing mask.
14 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Example: Multiple Choice Answers E-Learning & E-Teaching Select "Multiple Choice Answer" from the popup menu, this will initially display three answer boxes. You do not have to fill in all lines. If you require additional answer boxes, select the required quantity and click on add answer boxes. Selecting Multiple Choice Answers allows you to define the number of possible answers and the right answers. If you tick the checkbox Show the number of correct answers automatically in Player, the correct answers and the number of correct answers are shown in learning mode. To mark the correct answers, click on the boxes on the left side of the answers.
15 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Answer Comments E-Learning & E-Teaching TIPS & TRICKS! It is particularly important to explain the given solution, since students should be able to understand how you, the author, arrived at this conclusion. Authors can also enter answer comments. Students also receive automatic software-generated feedback on how well they performed in solving the task. This enables students to compare their answers with the solution you provided once they have completed the exercise.
16 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Case Structure – Expert Comments E-Learning & E-Teaching Expert comments can be added to each card by clicking on the corresponding tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Expert comments should comprise the following information: Additional background knowledge Explanations Examples The following should not be included in expert comments: Important information relating to the course of the case history (this should be included with the info-text) Diagnoses (also part of the info-text) Answer comments (should be entered in the corresponding category) Expert comments should comprise the following information: Additional background knowledge Explanations Examples The following should not be included in expert comments: Important information relating to the course of the case history (this should be included with the info-text) Diagnoses (also part of the info-text) Answer comments (should be entered in the corresponding category) TIPS & TRICKS!
17 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Learning Mode Preview E-Learning & E-Teaching By clicking on Preview, you can view the card you created in the Learning Mode Preview and proceed to a final verification of your entries.
18 CASUS Authoring System 07/2010 Thank you for your attention! Enjoy the creation of learning cases using the CASUS Authoring System! Further information and a detailed manual for the creation of cases using the CASUS Authoring System are available under