Verbos con Cambios de Raíz a.k.a. Shoe Verbs
Some verbs change their stems in the present tense and are called stem-changing verbs. (Verbos con Cambios de Raíz)
What is the stem of a verb? TENER ending stem
What are the stems of the following verbs? COSTAR To cost (Use your mouse to click on the stem)
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DORMIR To sleep
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¡Uf! Try Again
There are 4 different stem-changing groups : e ie o ue u ue e i Querer and Tener fall into this group. Costar falls into this group. Jugar falls into this group. Only –ir verbs
Verbos Importantes 1.Entender (e ie) = to understand 2.Preferir (e ie) = to prefer 3.Querer (e ie) = to want 4.Cerrar (e ie) = to close 5.Empezar (e ie) = to begin 6.Pensar (e ie) = to think, to believe, to plan
Verbos Importantes 1.Poder (o ue) = to be able to 2.Encontrar (o ue)= to find 3.Costar (o ue) = to cost 4.Almorzar (o ue) = to eat lunch 5.Volver (o ue) = to return to a place 6.Dormir (o ue) = to sleep
Verbos Importantes 1.Jugar (u ue) = to play a game/sport
Verbos Importantes 1.Pedir (e i) = to order 2.Servir (e i)= to serve
La Conjugación -o -as -a -amos -áis -an -o -es -e -emos -éis -en -o -es -e -imos -ís -en
What do you notice about these verbs when you conjugate them? Cerrar = To close CierroCerramos Cierras Cerr á is CierraCierran ¡Así es! The e in the stem changes to ie!
What do you notice about these verbs when you conjugate them? Dormir = To sleep DuermoDormimos Duermes Dorm í s DuermeDuermen ¡Así es! The o in the stem changes to ue!
What do you notice about these verbs when you conjugate them? Jugar = To play a game/sport JuegoJugamos Juegas Jug á is JuegaJuegan ¡Así es! The u in the stem changes to ue!
What do you notice about these verbs when you conjugate them? Pedir = To ask for; To order in a restaurant PidoPedimos Pides Ped í s PidePiden ¡Así es! The e in the stem changes to i!
Which sentence is wrong? a) No jugamos al tenis. b) Mario juega al béisbol. c) ¿Juegas al fútbol? d) Yo jugo al voleibol.
¡Definitivamente no! Regresa This sentence is correct! Try again.
¡Bravo! Continue Lesson
¡Mal! Intenta Otra Vez This sentence is correct! Try again!
¡Estás equivocado/a! ¡Intenta otra vez!
Which sentence is correct? a) Mi abuela juega al básquetbol. b) Ellos jugan al fútbol. c) Juege en el gimnasio. d) Yo me gusta jugar en la cancha.
¡Definitivamente no! Regresa This sentence is not correct! Try again.