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Presentation transcript:

PLANNING PROJECT ACTIVITIES First briefly an introduction to EUA Tia Loukkola, Head of QM Unit, EUA Ivana Juraga, Project Officer, EUA Brussels, February 2013 …1… 1

Overview Timeline Distribution of responsibilities Training workshops Study visits Institutional meetings Mentoring Any other business

Timeline – year 1 October 2012 – January 2013 Preparation for project implementation Self-evaluation reports February – May 2013 Kick-off meeting Website and leaflet launch Translation of QA publications Equipment purchase June – September 2013 2 regional training workshops *Institutional meetings in WB partners

Timeline – year 2 November 2013 Participation in EQAF January – July 2014 Study visits Second partners’ meeting September 2014 3rd regional training workshop *Institutional meetings in WB partners

Timeline – year 3 November 2014 Participation in EQAF January 2015 4th regional training workshop February – May 2015 Institutional Action Plans for QA Development of final project publication September 2015 Final project conference and final partners’ meeting *Institutional meetings in WB partners

Distribution of responsibilities EUA project coordinator communication with EACEA reimbursements WUS Kosova regional coordinator assistance with organising logistical issues EU partners facilitators at trainings hosting study visits advice and mentorship Western Balkans partners hosting trainings institutional development

Training Workshops Event Dates Training workshop 1 June 2013 September 2013 Training workshop 3 September 2014 Training workshop 4 January 2015 2 full days

Training workshops - topics The work of the central QA unit Activities, tools and organisation of work Co-operation with the units at faculty level Internal communication Engaging internal stakeholders Impact on decision-making processes at higher level Follow-up of QA Results of your questionnaires… We’ve looked at your responses, we would propose to start with these topics.

Training Workshops Event Dates Location Training workshop 1 June 2013 University of Sarajevo Training workshop 2 September 2013 University of Prishtina Training workshop 3 September 2014 Shkodra University Training workshop 4 January 2015 “Fan S. Noli” University We need to make decisions on all locations and on topics and dates for the first two. Countries: BH, Kosovo, Albania, Albania

Study visits - organisation One working week at the host institution Programme and approach decided by the host and guest together Methodological approaches Job shadowing Presentations Meetings with stakeholders How to organise it? Do we need to separate study visits from mentoring (for study visits, each PC uni goes to 2 EU unis, for mentoring it should be more 1 on 1 (except we’re missing one EU uni)). Should one of the unis they go to be the one that was mentoring them?

Study visits - pairs PC partner EU partner 1 EU partner 2 University of Prishtina UL RUC University of Prizren DCU IPP University of Tirana UEF KFUG Shkodra University “Fan S. Noli” University University of Mostar University of Sarajevo University of Banja Luka They go to the one mentoring them + 1 Roskilde University – 3 University of Ljubljana – 3 University of Graz – 3 University of Eastern Finland – 2 Dublin City University – 3 Instituto Politecnico do Porto – 2

Institutional meetings – aims and responsibilities Plan and coordinate the implementation of the project related work at its institution Act as representatives of the institution in the project events Disseminate experiences, lessons learned to broader university community and discuss their applicability to the institution Develop proposals of papers for EQAF 2014 Develop draft Action Plan for QA Develop contribution to final project publication The project will work intensively with a select group of key institutional actors, represented by the Quality Assurance Committee (or equivalent). Since not all members of the Committee will be able to participate in each project activity, the Committee will meet regularly to share the experiences from the project, disseminate them to the broader university community and discuss their applicability to the institution. Quality Assurance Committee has the following characteristics and responsibilities: It has a chairperson, who has enough standing within the institution so to help in promoting the decisions and initiatives of the Committee, and a secretary. It represents the major constituencies in the institution (academic and administrative staff and students) to maximise involvement of all major stakeholders. Although it is important that the abovementioned constituencies are represented, the group ought not to be an exhaustive gathering of all units and faculties within the institution. The group is small (more or less 12 members) to ensure that it is efficient.

Institutional meetings - methodology secretary prepare agenda and minutes send to the regional coordinator within one month of each meeting (after the Committee members have approved them) meet regularly, on average every two months and always right after a project event meetings should be an open forum for discussion where all members should feel comfortable bringing up their reflections do not be limit yourselves merely to administration In general the Committee is free to choose its working methods as it deems fit, but the following minimum requirements should be fulfilled: The secretary of the Committee will prepare the agenda and minutes of each meeting and will send them to the regional coordinator within one month of the each meeting after the Committee members have approved them. The Committee is expected to meet regularly, on average every two months and always right after a project event (training workshop, study visit, conference). The purpose of the meetings organised after each project event is for those who took part in the project activity in question to disseminate information received and lessons learnt and for the Committee to reflect on how the information can be used so to develop institution’s own QA processes. These meetings will feed into the draft of the Action Plan for QA to be prepared by the institutions by the end of the project – the Committee is the drafting group for the Action Plan. The Committee meetings should be considered an open forum for discussion where all members should feel comfortable bringing up their reflections on the practices seen in the project and their ideas on how to develop quality assurance/culture within the university. They should not be limited merely to administration.

Mentoring - organisation Informal Stay in touch via email/phone-calls Ask questions, seek advice Send drafts of documents for feedback But will also visit them, this is part of the support structure for the institutional meetings

Mentoring - pairs PC partner EU partner University of Prishtina EUA University of Prizren Dublin City University University of Tirana University of Eastern Finland Shkodra University Instituto Politecnico do Porto “Fan S. Noli” University Roskilde University University of Mostar Royal Conservatoire University of Sarajevo University of Graz University of Banja Luka University of Ljubljana We are missing one EU uni to make 1-to-1 pairs, perhaps Prishtina and EUA could be paired (in practice this would be But-Tia, don’t think much work would be involved…). Actually it could serve a double purpose, since in the case that the regional coordinator (But) gets some questions, he might have already received answers from us…

Thank you! EQUIPMENT – with WB partners only