LLL Concept LLL Stakeholders MoNE – LLL Structure DG LLL Vision DG LLL Mission Some Statistics LLL Strategy Paper 2 LIFELONG LEARNING IN TURKEY
LIFELONG LEARNING Lifelong learning is defined as “all learning activities undertaken throughout life with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competencies, within a personal, civic, social and/or employment-related perspective.” It encompasses formal learning, non-formal and informal learning and there are no restrictions in terms of age, socio- economic status or educational level. It is lifelong and life- wide, as learning not only takes place at schools, but also in other areas of life, for example at work, and in civic and political, cultural and recreational life. 3
4 LLL SECTORS AND STAKEHOLDERS LLL SOCIAL BUSINESS PUBLIC MoNE Municipalities Public Institutions Universities Chambers Private Courses Unions NGOs
Yürütülen Faaliyetler – Yaygın Eğitim Kurumları InstitutionNumber of Ins. Public Education Centers (PECs) 978 Vocational Education Centers (VECs)332 Maturation Institutes15 Tourism Education Centers10 TOTAL1335 Directorate General For Lifelong Learning was founded in 2011 by a Decree Law. PROVINCIAL LEVEL MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION NATIONAL LEVEL
To realize a transformation towards a learning individiual, learning society and learning Turkey through increasing access to education and developing competence in order to sustain employability and socio-cultural development of people of all age. Vizyonumuz OUR VISION Individual Family Society Turkey
Through 969 Public Education Centers in residential unit (sub-province, province) kinds of cultural and vocational courses are presented to people of all age. PUBLIC EDUCATION 7
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Course TypeNumber of Program Vocational and Technical Courses1.482 Cultural Courses467 Literacy Courses2 Total
Distribution of Courses in 2013
COURSE PARTICIPANTS / BACKGROUND Illiterate 3 % Literate without any schooling 4 % Primary School Graduate 43 % Lower Secondary School Graduate 8 % University Graduate 9 % Vocational Higher education Graduate 4 % High School Graduate 29 %
In the scope of lifelong learning, education and training is held in Open Lower-Secondary School, Open High School and Open Vocational School in order to increase the number of opportunities to our citizens; especially for the ones who have left the system. 16 OPEN EDUCATION
OPEN SCHOOLS NUMBER OF ACTIVE STUDENTS in InstitutionNumber of Students Open Lower Secondary School Open High School Open Vocational School TOTAL
In order to train qualified work power that the business sector requires, education and training are hed in 31 fields of education and 152 professions in 332 Vocational Education Centers. 18 APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING
Aile Eğitimi Kurs Programı (0-18 Yaş) The curricula includes : Child development, Mother/fatherhood Skills Health and Diet Gender Equality Communication Conflict Management, Human Rights and Child Rights courses are held and parent and child are reached in 79 provinces in PARENT TRAINING
There are 2 levels : First Level Literacy Course is 120 hours to 150 hours including basic literacy and arithmetic skills. ‘Literacy Certificate’ is gained at the end of the course. Second Level Literacy Course is 180 to 200 hours. Turkish, The curricula includes Turkish, Social Sciences, Maths and Science classes. ‘Adults 2nd Level Achievement Certificate’ is gained at the end of the course. LITERACY COURSES
Projects on LLL are held by National and EU financial sources. Accompolished / Ongoing Projects Promotion of LLL in Turkey- 1 Adult Education Project - 1 ( Implementation of Adult Agenda) Let Schools be Life Social Inclusion for Roman People Learning Hospitals Learning Festivals Future Projects Adult Education Project -2 ( Implementation of Adult Agenda) Promotion of LLL in Turkey -2 PROJECTS 21
Cooperations are done on LLL with other Ministries, Public and Private Institutions and NGOs. Through protocols on national and provincial level stakeholders are motivated to contribute to LLL. COOPERATION WITH SOCIAL PARTNERS 22 YearNumber of Protocols TOTAL60
LIFELONG LEARNING PARTICIPATION RATES LLL participation rate in Turkey is provided by Turkish Statistics Institution through a question in Households Survey asked to the age of people
LLL Participation Rates ( EU) EuroStat GEO/TIME Denmark29,229,029,931,232,532,331,631,4 Switzerland22,526,827,923,930,629,9 30,4 Sweden18,418,622,2 24,424,926,728,1 Iceland27,927,025,1 25,225,927,325,8 Finland23,123,423,122,123,023,824,524,9 Norway18,718,019,318,117,818,220,020,4 France6,46,16,05,75,05,55,717,7 Netherlands15,616,617,0 16,616,716,517,4 United Kingdom26,720,019,920,119,415,8 16,1 Luxembourg8,27,08,513,4 13,613,914,4 Austria13,112,813,213,813,713,414,113,9 Estonia6,57,09,810,510,912,012,912,6 Slovenia15,014,813,914,616,215,913,812,4 Spain10,4 10,8 10,710,9 EU279,59,39,49,39,18,99,010,5 Portugal4,24,45,36,55,811,610,69,8 Czech Republic5,65,77,86,87,511,410,89,7 Germany7,57,87,97,87,77,87,97,8 Malta5,56,06,26,16,26,57,07,7 Ireland7,37,67,06,36,8 7,17,3 Belgium7,57,26,8 7,27,16,66,7 Latvia6,97,16,85,35,05,16,96,5 Italy6,16,26,36,06,25,76,66,2 Lithuania4,95,24,84,43,95,75,25,7 Poland4,75,14,7 5,24,44,54,3 Turkey1,81,51,92,32,52,93,24,0 Macedonia2,32,82,53,33,23,44,03,5 Hungary3,83,63,12,72,82,72,83,0 Greece1,92,12,93,33,02,42,9 Slovakia4,13,93,32,8 3,93,12,9 Croatia2,92,42,22,32,22,32,4 Romania1,3 1,5 1,31,61,42,0 Bulgaria1,3 1,4 1,21,31,51,7
LLL Participation Rates ( Turkey) GEO/TIME Antalya, Isparta, Burdur2,8 3,54,44,94,25,66,3 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova2,01,61,92,23,13,94,25,8 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartin1,71,5 2,43,63,84,25,2 Malatya, Elazığ, Bingöl, Tunceli1,01,32,02,23,33,64,55,1 Ankara3,22,52,73,13,33,53,95,0 Izmir1,81,71,92,52,74,34,54,7 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt2,51,71,82,02,43,13,64,4 Istanbul2,01,52,12,42,33,13,44,2 Konya, Karaman1,41,93,64,33,53,23,44,2 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat1,41,21,01,61,41,83,44,1 Türkiye Ortalaması1,81,51,92,32,52,93,24,0 Mardin, Batman, Sirnak, Siirt1,20,50,91,62,3 3,04,0 Tekirdag, Edirne, Kirklareli3,72,23,22,83,64,43,83,9 Adana, Mersin1,41,21,41,82,02,22,63,9 Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir1,00,80,71,31,71,81,63,9 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya1,11,31,62,12,62,72,23,6 Aydin, Denizli, Mugla1,21,41,72,52,6 3,3 Van, Mus, Bitlis, Hakkari1,11,01,51,72,23,12,63,2 Bursa, Eskisehir, Bilecik1,81,51,31,61,72,1 3,0 Kastamonu, Çankiri, Sinop1,82,22,33,12,62,82,93,0 Gaziantep, Adiyaman, Kilis0,70,30,61,21,81,92,03,0 Kirikkale, Aksaray, Nigde, Nevsehir, Kirsehir2,61,61,21,62,1 2,9 Agri, Kars, Igdir, Ardahan1,41,01,1 1,2 2,32,9 Balikesir, Çanakkale1,11,31,42,32,42,12,22,7 Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Osmaniye1,91,51,81,92,12,52,7 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin, Gümüshane1,91,71,9 2,11,92,3 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, Usak0,90,8 1,11,41,31,8
Awareness Raising LLL Opportunities and Service Access to LLL Lifelong Guidance Recognition of Prior Learning Monitoring and Evaluation PRIORITIES
Thank you 28