Global Infrastructures Kristin Braa & Lars Roland Professor, Vice head Ifi & PhD student
People Faculty –Sundeep Sahay, Jørn Braa, Ole Hanseth, Margunn Aanestad, Jens Kaasbøl, Kristin Braa, Lars Groth, Petter Nielsen, Bendik Bygdås, Petter Nielsen Postdocs –Miria Grisot, Knut Staring, Bjørn Erik Mørk, Espen Skorve, Xenia Vasilakopoulou, Johan Sæbø 20% –Eric Monteiro (NTNU), Magne Jørgensen (Simula) Scientific Programmers (HISP lab) –Lars Helge Ødegård, Ola Titlestad, Jan Henrik Øverland, Morten Olav Hansen, App. 30 Ph.D. students
Focus Information infrastructures is a concept describing large scale, complex, and networked technologies (e.g. OUS with 2200 integrated applications) Include both the technical components and also the interconnected social and organizational elements such as work practices, organizational arrangements, human resources, politics, and other institutional conditions. –Complexity –Scaling –Integration strategies, architectures –Standardization-flexibility –Organizing/governance/collaboration –Open Source software development Empirical Studies & Software development Health domain: in Norway and internationally
HISP is a global action research program headed and initiated at the Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo since 1994 DHIS 2 is an open source software developed, customized and used for reporting, analysis and dissemination of health data for many health programs Shared and integrated data warehouse for essential health data: information for action Implemented in 40 countries, national standard in 12 countries, WHO endorsed UiO Innovation award 2013 Health Information Systems Program - DHIS2
INF5750 Open source course ●develop a software system in a team... ●… web-enabled software using common server components such as Spring and Hibernate. ●introduction to HTML5 and Javascript... ●introduction to mobile app development … ●introduction to single-page web app dev (SPA) ●… open source licensing and the consequences... ●be able to participate in developing DHIS2, one of the largest health information systems in the world.
The course in 1 minute ●Version control system. Keeps versions/backups and helps you share. ●Maven is a build tool. It helps you organize modules and build them. ●Spring: object framework. Configure objects & how they connect at runtime. ●Hibernate maps your relational database into Java objects, and back. ●Model View Controller separates user interface, controllers and date model. ●Javascript-enabled HTML-apps using REST-APIs on the server (“SPA”)
Large and complex information systems Mandatory: INF Qualitative research methods INF Qualitative research methods Basic: INF Process improvement and agile methods in systems development INF Information infrastructure INF Open source software development Recommended: INF Informasjonsarkitektur og innholdsadministrasjon INF Estimation and planning of software projects INF Health management information systems INF Process improvement and agile methods in systems development INF Information infrastructure INF Open source software development INF Informasjonsarkitektur og innholdsadministrasjon INF Estimation and planning of software projects INF Health management information systems Other relevant courses: INF Science technology society ethics INF Science technology society ethics
IT-management Mandatory: INF Qualitative research methods INF IT and Management INF Qualitative research methods INF IT and Management Basic PED Technology-Enhanced Learning: Principles and Tools PED Technology-Enhanced Learning: Principles and Tools Recommended: INF Process improvement and agile methods in systems development INF Information infrastructure INF Science technology society ethics INF Open source software development Other relevant courses: INF Informasjonsarkitektur og innholdsadministrasjon INF Computer supported co-operative work INF Process improvement and agile methods in systems development INF Information infrastructure INF Science technology society ethics INF Open source software development INF Informasjonsarkitektur og innholdsadministrasjon INF Computer supported co-operative work