ITALY Coordinating Institute (partner signing the CA) INGV National team description INGV, CNR-IGG, INOGS, AMRA, Univ. Trieste, Univ. Genova, Univ. Rome.


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Presentation transcript:

ITALY Coordinating Institute (partner signing the CA) INGV National team description INGV, CNR-IGG, INOGS, AMRA, Univ. Trieste, Univ. Genova, Univ. Rome 3 contacts: Massimo Cocco, Gianni Macedonio & Alberto Michelini

Italy: RIs description MedNet Network (bb seismometers) Italian National Seismic Network Italian National GPS network (RING) Volcano Observatories (Vesuvio, Etna, Stromboli,...) Rock Physics Laboratories (INGV Rome + IGG CNR) Analog Laboratories (Rome 3) Italian Regional & Local Seismic Networks Irpinia Seismic Network Western Italy seismic Network Eastern Italy Seismic Networks

Governmental Links Describe the commitment from your national government and/or funding agencies MIUR (Ministry for education, university and research) submitted the EPOS proposal to ESFRI National body coordinating ESFRI initiatives MIUR Status at national level No official Roadmap. Support is expected by MIUR. A request to financially support the initiative will be submitted in the near future.

The INGV Integrated Monitoring System A CGPS, Seismometric and Strong motion co-located network GPS Strong motion Broad band seismometer Satellite link and Intranet

The Network today: 211 BB stations 137 CGPS 80 Strong Motions Out of ~290 real time stations


Irpinia local network

HP-HT Laboratory of Experimental Volcanology and Geophysics Expertises Petrology of volcanic products. Magma rheology. Diffusion in magmas; Physical properties of rocks and melts (seismic velocity, electrical conducibility); Analogical and numerical experiments on dynamic fracture propagation; Rock deformation and coupled processes. Experimental Facilities Piston cylinder and Multianvil (MA) - Walker type 6/8 equipped for HPHT physical properties measurements; Uniaxial testing machine (250kN) and Permeameter (2Kb effective pressure) with Ultrasonic Wave Velocities; Photoelastic experimental laboratory (2 Digital high- speed cameras);