Reinhard Steurer: Evaluation by Governance Possibilities of European Cooperation in SD strategy cycles Presentation given at the Workshop “A Sustainable Nordic Region in a Region of Opportunities Can the Nordic cooperation make a difference?” Helsinki, 6 March 2007 Reinhard Steurer ESDN Office at RIMAS – Research Institute for Managing Sustainability
Orientation Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Possibilities of European Cooperation Questions for
Background: The ESDN It is an informal network of public administrators dealing with SD strategies in Europe It aims to exchange experiences, knowledge and good practices regarding SD strategy processes It is supported by the ESDN Office, established by a steering group of 7 countries (incl. Finland) in spring 2006
Background: The ESDN Office If you want to join the ESDN, contact Facilitate exchange of experience and knowledge on SD strategies Support the ESDN members Contribute to ESDN Conferences Assist Steering Group in developing the ESDN further Website at Next ESDN Conference in Berlin, 3-5 June 2007
ESDN Website: One-stop-shop
Orientation Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Possibilities of European Cooperation Questions for
Basics about SD strategies SD strategies are strategic processes rather than strategic documents SD strategy processes should follow some normative principles and key steps (or elements) The steps (or elements) of an SD strategy form a strategy cycle “SD cannot be achieved in one country or region in isolation”, therefore European cooperation is desirable, … … but a difficult balancing act between coherence and national autonomy
Orientation Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Possibilities of European Cooperation Questions for
The SD strategy cycle – principles and steps Long-term focus Policy Integration Participation Reflexivity Inspired by Volkery et al (2006): Coordination, Challenges, and Innovations in 19 National Sustainable Development Strategies, in World Development, 34/12
The SD strategy cycle – principles and steps 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) From political will to a common vision From learning to strategy renewal 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles Long-term focus 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation Policy Integration Participation Reflexivity 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts From action to learning From vision to short- & medium- term action
Multiple SD strategy cycles
Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Orientation Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Possibilities of European Cooperation Questions for Colour code: Cooperation/coordination exists Cooperation/coordination could be improved
Possibilities of European Cooperation: Principles Common understanding: 9 Policy guiding principles in EU SDS + precautionary principle Long-term focus Policy Integration Participation + polluter pays Reflexivity “use best available knowledge” + fundamental rights
Possibilities of European Cooperation: Steps 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) European Council commitments (Gothenburg 2001, Brussels 2006?) 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles OECD & UN guidelines help defining the SD strategy approach, but what about guidelines for a more coherent European (or Nordic) approach? 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation SD in the Amsterdam treaty EU constitution and SD? Council commitment to give SD strategies a legal basis Council commitment to involve parliaments 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts
Possibilities of European Cooperation: Steps Consider EU SDS priorities Consider priorities of regional (such as the Nordic) SD strategies 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles Find “language” on how to address not only synergies but also trade-offs 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation Develop “European approach” regarding - Horizontal integration (inter-ministerial committees) Vertical integration (national-regional-local) Participation (National Councils of SD) Reflexivity (monitoring & reviewing) Exchange experiences on approaches taken (ESDN) 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts
Possibilities of European Cooperation: Steps SD strategy elements often rather fragmented than well orchestrated, but exchange of experience in ESDN (annual conferences) 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) Little coherence on how to translate vision into measures (work/action plans become more popular) Little coherence on how to translate vision into measures (work/action plans become more popular) 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles Exchange (workshops) on which policy instruments work best for what purpose (within the ESDN) 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts More coherent use of impact assessment methods From vision to short- & medium- term action
Possibilities of European Cooperation: Steps EU SDS process: SD coordinator reporting Peer review initiative 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) All countries apply SD indicator monitoring but differences regarding indicators used reporting schemes 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation Exchange on advantages and disadvantages of different review approaches (within the ESDN) 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts
The SD strategy cycle – principles and steps 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) From learning to strategy renewal 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation Towards a common European cycle of strategy renewal (in line with EU SDS)? 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts
Orientation Basics about SD strategies Principles and steps of SD strategy cycles Possibilities of European Cooperation Questions for
Questions for 1. Political commitment & guidance Political mandate Definition of approach Legal (constitutional basis) Adapt PM declaration on SD from 1998 (in line with EU SDS)? Towards a common Nordic cycle of strategy renewal (in line with the EU & the Nordic Strategy)? 2. Strategy formulation Long-term and integrative objectives Synergies & trade-offs Procedural guidance regarding the 4 principles Long-term focus 4. Reviewing & monitoring Performance monitoring Process review & evaluation Policy Integration Participation Reflexivity Coherence with other supra-national processes (Baltic 21, Arctic C., Barents C.)? More procedural guidance for national SD strategies? 3. The implementation process - Budgets, work/action plans Orchestrate strategy ele- ments & policy instruments Assess & consider SD impacts Peer reviewing as European cooperation in Nordic countries? Cooperation with ESDN?
Reinhard Steurer: Evaluation by Governance Thank you! Reinhard Steurer ESDN Office at the RIMAS – Research Institute for Managing Sustainability Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna, Austria