Chemistry Department Faculty: Chemical and Process Engineering 1-st level studies 2-nd level studies new specialties 3-rd leve studies (Ph.D. programme)
Chemical Engineering Until now associated mainly as a scientific discipline dealing with the design of unit operations and processes being elements of the production processes in the chemical industry. Currently, its scope has been extended to biotechnology processes, membranes, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, fuel cells..... Modern Chemical Engineering permeates the chemical technology, bioprocess engineering, materials engineering, environmental protection, energy offering tailor-made solutions
Proposed specialization in the second level studies are consistent with the trends of modern Chemical Engineering For every specialty there are courses such a: - Process equipment – course is conducted at the small plant - Renewable Energy Sources - Economy of industrial pollution (sewage, exhaust gases, solid waste) - Computer design of the unit processes (e.g. packages ) and the entire system including economics (based on the program )
Specialty in English: APPLIED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING For foreign students, and all those who want to study in English. For foreigners with the so-called „Polish Charter” studies are free of charge!
Specialty in English: APPLIED CHEMICAL ENGINERING - extended program design, computer modeling Course: Modeling of processes in chemical engineering Simulations of processes in chemical apparatus using CFD - elements of materials science Course: Nanoengineering Computer simulations in the design of materials for chemical processes - elements of bioprocess engineering Course: Biotechnology Processes - fundaments of membrane technologies Course: Modern methods of separation - components of surface chemistry in engineering Course: Multiphase Systems -elements of chemical technology Course: Product Engineering - basis of chemical company management Course: Company quality management
Our Employees grouped into two groups Z-7 Group of Chemical Engineering Z-11 Group of Chemical and Biochemical Processes
Our laboratories Small systems used in classical chemical engineering (includin integrated systems) Membrane systems-MF, RO, PV Bioreactor systems Analytical apparatus - HPLC, GC,.....
Cooperation with companies Meetings with representatives of industrial companies at least once in the month (winter semester 2013/2014 Monday 11-13, 219/C6 For the best students practice / internships Including: -Namysłów Brewery -PZ Cussons Wrocław -Procter & Gamble Rakovnik -PGE Branch of Turów power plant -Czechowice-Dziedzice rafinery -PCC Rokita -3M -LGChem -KGHM
Chemical and Process Engineering students scientific club "Gambrinus"! - „Industry visits " - Projects developed in cooperation with leading companies and our staff will allow to use the theoretical knowledge in practice - Awaydays - Conducted training improving hard and soft skills - Well organized group that will help you in every problem If you want to know more you will find us on: and facebook: