Introdução à Gestão das Organizações: utilidade e funções da gestão Helena Martins 2015
Porque é que a gestão importa? Simples: os recursos são limitados. Não estou a perceber, mas o que é que isso importa?
O Que é que gerimos? Tempo Dinheiro Atenção Relações Esforço … Aliás, o que é que não gerimos?
No contexto organizacional, Os processos de gestão inluem a planificação, organização, direção e controlo. Um aspeto importante da função de gestão é a alocação de recursos finitos. Os recursos podem ser humanos, financeiros, tecnológicos e naturais.
A gestão em todas as atividades de negócio e organizacionais é o ato de conseguir fazer com que as pessoas se juntem para atingir objetivos desejados e objetivos através do uso de recursos disponíveis de forma eficaz e eficiente. Bons gestores não necessários para manter as suas organizações no bom caminho assegurando que tudo o que está a ser feito é orientado de forma ética para ir de encontro às necessidades dos clientes. Uma boa gestão é necessária para fomenter a motivaçção, criatividadem disciplina, entusiasmo em áreas em que estes ou não existem ou não são necessariamente desejados.
Funções da gestão 1.Planning & Decisions 2.Organizing Tasks 3.Staffing Roles 4.Leading Teams 5.Knowledge Management 6.Controlling Activities 7.Customer Experience Management
1. Planning & Decisions Planning is a way to project expectations, anticipate problems, and guide decision making. The planning process includes the selection of objectives, programs, or projects, and the policies and procedures needed to accomplish them. Plans exist at the strategic level, the program level, and the project level. It is important to review plans as conditions and circumstances change over time.
2. Organizing Tasks Organization deals with issues like human resources, finance, and the establishment of priorities. Some of the characteristics associated with organization include: specialization and division of work; goal achievement; the grouping of individuals into departments; differentiated functions; and continuity. Organization helps companies achieve goals, make the best use of resources; grow; and focus on the betterment of their employees. Organizational design is a process that helps managers organize and align the structure, process, rewards, metrics, and talent with the business' strategy.
3. Staffing Roles Staffing is a continuous activity that is carried out by all managers and in all types of companies. It is through staffing that the right people are found for the right jobs. The selection process begins with analyzing the need for the job and ends with interviewing the candidates. A job description is important even after and individual is hired as it is also used to assess performance. Induction is an aspect of staffing that should not be ignored as it will help the new staff member settle in quickly. Training and development programs exist for both new hires and seasoned employees.
4. Leading Teams Team leaders provide guidance, instruction, direction, and leadership to their respective teams.They must build teams and ensure that they work well together. A team leader reports to a project manager who oversees several teams. Effective team leaders possess six leadership competencies that translate to the success of their teams. Team leaders must be able to balance being a member of the team and a leader who manages the progress of the team.
5. Knowledge Management Knowledge management typically focuses on specific organizational objectives. Criteria have been developed that help organizations measure the benefits they receive from knowledge management. Technology plays a large role in the development of knowledge management tools. Knowledge management efforts tend to overlap those of organizational learning and are, in fact, seen as an enabler of organizational learning.
6. Controlling Activities The three steps of the control process are needed in order for the action of control to take place. Measurements are also used to evaluate a company's performance. Managers need to control the environment in which they function by updating plans or else they risk facing some of the drawbacks of control.
7. Customer Experience Management The goal of customer experience management (CEM) is to move customers from satisfied to loyal and then from loyal to advocates. Customer experience solutions optimize the end-to- end customer experience. Customer experience management differs from customer relationship management is that the former focuses on customer need and desire.
Management Levels: A Hierarchical View The three levels of management typically found in an organization are low-level management, middle-level management, and top-level management. Top-level managers are responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire organization. Middle-level managers are responsible for executing organizational plans which comply with the company's policies.These managers act at an intermediary between top-level management and low-level management. Low-level managers focus on controlling and directing.They serve as role models for the employees they supervise.
Management Areas: A Functional View Functional management is the most common organizational design structure. Communication in functional organizations generally takes place within a single department. In functional organizations, each employee has only one manager.
Characteristics of Good Managers Leadership Styles of Leadership Technical Skills Conceptual Thought Analytical Mindset Sensitivity to Human Relations
Leadership While people can manage many things, including their time, money, fuel consumption, and people, one can only lead people. Even though leadership is a subset of management, the term "leader" seems to have a halo attached to it, while the term "manager" comes with a bit of a stigma. The search for the qualities that make a good leader has been going on for centuries and continues today.
Technical Skills The three managerial skills Robert Katz identified as being necessary to be a successful manager are technical, human, and conceptual. Technical skills are easier to learn than human and conceptual skills. Technical skills become less important at the top management levels of large firms as chief executives can use the technical abilities of their employees; however, high-level managers may still need these skills in smaller firms.
Conceptual Thought People who are able to see the key elements in any situation can see the enterprise as a whole, see the relationship between the various parts, understand their dependence on each other, and recognize that changes in one part will influence the others. Conceptual skills are likened to a "helicopter mind," meaning that one is able to rise above a problem and see it in context. These skills are not critical for lower-level mangers, gain importance for middle-management and are essential for the success of higher-level managers.
Analytical Mindset Analytical skills involves managing organization and information. Standardized tests and interviews often try to identify whether or not candidates have analytical skills. Having an analytical mindset does have it's setbacks; People may place too much trust in data or may not trust the data unless they have had direct experience to support it.
Sensitivity to Human Relations Mary Parker Follett emphasized the importance of the existence of a relationship between the manager and the worker and the requirement to view both management and leadership more holistically than had been done in the past. Social psychologist Rensis Likert echoed Follett's human relations approach and identified four systems of management: the explorative- authoritative type; the benevolent-authoritative type; the consultive type; and the participative group management type. According to Rensis Likert, leaders need to be able to adapt their behavior to fit the people they lead.
Referências Jonathan T. Scott. "The Purpose of Management | Jonathan T. Scott." CC BY purpose-of-managementCC BY purpose-of-management The Open University. "Managing and managing people - OpenLearn - Open University." CC BY-SA ?ion=6CC BY-SA ?ion=6 United Nations. License: Other APAM/UNPAN pdfLicense: Other APAM/UNPAN pdf