AW JAMA' OMAR ISSE CULTURAL RESEARCH AND READING CENTER OUR MOTTO: READING TO LEAD LOCATION: Safari Hotel, Eastleigh 6th Street Suite G10 P O Box 69102-00610 Nairobi, Kenya.
VISION: To be a leading cultural, research and reading institution for developing Somali community MISSION: To provide the Eastleigh community with a conducive environment for developing cultural initiatives through access of relevant reading materials and research programes for inspiring, motivating and development of talent within the community.
INTRODUCTION Aw jama Omaar Isse Cultural research and reading Centre was founded in April 2013 .It is a center that offers learning resources to the Somali youths in Eastleigh to help them nurture their reading skills and gain knowledge on different areas through reading, research and interaction with writers and other readers.
Awjama Library The Awjama cultural, research and reading center has a library with over 2000 titles, journals, magazines and unique collection of literature work on Somali studies by Somali and foreign authors . The library provides a conducive environment for reading and research. The library attracts local residents and international speakers who come to speak to the community. The library also offers internet facilities for research purposes.
CONT… We also conduct workshops for writing poetry, community awareness, research, career counseling and Somali language training. The center is meant to revive the Somali cultural systems of authority, personal accountability and discipline, which have been uprooted and displaced due to the movement of the Somali people and their absent a stable government in Somalia.
Youth empowerment program This program helps the youth to always be engaged in something positive and keep away from idleness, which is the key to crime and drug abuse It helps to provide an environment for the youth to develop their talents to full potential. Also it helps to engage the youth and the community in general to be productive and thereby enhance their standards of living. helps the youth to realize their talents and work on them
Women empowerment programs We have women empowerment programs that help promote women to engage in their cultural activities by motivating and teaching them to perform different skills like traditional weaving of baskets, embroidery work, craft work, painting, preparing traditional foods, etc
Benefits to the community Engaging in productive activities Sharing information on issues facing the community Develop culture and language skills Broaden their talent and imaginations Enhance their unity skills Promote communication skills through debates and improve public speaking Connect youth to the elders Parenting classes Teacher training
Main Activities Continuous mentoring, inspiring and empowering our community to develop their talents and cultural understanding of life and wholestic social and economic empowerment. June, every year is set aside for promoting Somali culture, language, reading and sharing of knowledge through the following activities:- Authors launch their books Kids corner for story telling Poetry studying and reading Various entertainment activities Books to buy Lots of different traditional activities and food
Connecting elders to the Youth We conduct a program called connecting the youth to the elders where the elders are involved in telling stories to the youth There is a generation gap between the elder and youth thus we try to bridge this gap by addressing family and community issues for the sake of living in harmony and peace in the community Many Somali school aged children no longer understand Somali language fluently. They often ask stories to be repeated in English in order to and understand. Elders talk about cultural identity. Demonstration positive role and discuss youthful agenda
Cultural day event This event incorporate a wide range of cultural activities like , creativity, interaction with different authors, Somali language study, poetry, live basket weaving for the Somali women, a story telling session for our youths and kid’s corner. There will also be a different food and vendor booths. For those who wish to advertise their organisations, there will be a stand for. The event will be held at the Eastleigh High School sports ground on July, 20, 2015 from to 6.00pm.
CONCLUSION Safari Hotel, Eastleigh 6th Street Suite G10 P O Box 69102-00610 Nairobi, Kenya email Visit our website: For more information contact Abdirizak 0722-928-442 Fardousa Jama, Event coordinator, 0711-111-847.