October-November 2003China - ALICE meeting1 PHOS in ALICE A PHOton Spectrometer with unique capabilities for the detection/identification of photons and neutral hadrons
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 2 PHOS
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 3 Rails for PHOS
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 4 What is PHOS ? PHOS is a photon spectrometer consisting of A high resolution, highly granular EM calorimeter Associated to a MWPC acting as a charge particle veto detector, … offering unique particle detection With high energy resolution (~ 10 GeV) And high position resolution (~ GeV) And particle identification from very low (0.5 GeV) to fairly high (100 GeV) transverse momentum: Direct photon Decay photon Electrons Charged hadrons Neutral hadrons ( 0 and ) Neutral baryons (n and n)
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 5 a = ± GeV b = ± GeV 1/2 c = ± Energy resolution Position resolution Detection with PHOS
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 6 Identification with PHOS 1/3 Photons Shower topology Efficiency 90% Purity 5%
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 7 Identification with PHOS 2/3 Soft neutral hadrons (p t < 20 GeV/c) Invariant mass 00
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 8 Identification with PHOS 3/3 Hard direct photon (p t > 20 GeV/c) Shower topology & isolation cut
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 9 PHOS provides access to an unique scientific program Dynamical characterization of the medium by its radiation spectrum: Early hard QCD processes: initial state structure (hard photons and neutral p t GeV/c) Hot partonic phase (Quark-Gluon Plasma) Thermal EM radiation (black body, p t < 2 GeV) Medium effects on jets (jet quenching, p t > 10 GeV/c, jet photon tagging) Late hadronic phase (soft photons and neutral hadrons) To study soft QCD effects and medium effects Hadrons gas – partons gas phase transition Chiral symmetry restoration Gluon saturation
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 10 Photon LHC Prompt photons Decay photons
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 11 PHOS hardware Elementary detection cell PWO 4 crystal: 22 22 180 mm 3 (20 X0) Photo-readout: Avalanche Photo-Diodes (APD) Modular structure lead-tungstate crystals (PWO) 5 independent modules each of 3584 crystal detector units: Total area: 8m 2 Total crystal weight: 12.5t
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 12 PHOS FE & RO electronics A challenging project: convert weak light signal into energy and time signals and construct trigger signals. Energy Dual gain energy channels and digitization for covering a very large dynamic range up to ~100 GeV Separate fast energy signal for trigger and timing Time Resolution ~2 ns to discriminate against low energy baryons Trigger L0 (< 900 ns) for min-bias pp, low threshold ( 100 MeV) L1 (< 6.2 s) for high p T Pb-Pb, high threshold (5-10 GeV)
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 13 PHOS FEE & RO electronics in ALICE EVENT DATA ALICE DDL (optical) DAQ PC DCS Ethernet CONTROL ALICE Trigger System PHOS L0/L1 ALICE L0/L1/L2/TTC Optical links, coax PHOS power + bias 400V, 12V, 6V, 3.3V Cabling FEE PWO crystals Counting room area
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 14 PHOS FE & RO electronics: details 4 x 8 crystals FEE board 32 crystals Trigger / Router Board TRU energy trigger control RCU control data L0, L1 ALICE DAQ Trigger DCS
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 15 UV Photon Detector Avalanche Photodiode from Hamamatsu 5 5 mm 2 C ~ 80 pF at 250 V bias Preamplifier (Bergen & Kurchatov) Sensivity 1V/pC Noise 470 e - Rise time 10 ns Dynamic range 1mV – 8 V T card (Bergen & Kurchatov) Connection to FEB 2 2 8 analog signals
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 16 FEE board 32 channels Functions: Shaper/amplifier: slow dual gain outputs for energy, fast energy output for trigger Energy digitization (10 bit, base-line restoration, zero suppression) Quadlet (2x2) analog summing of fast energy signals for PHOS trigger Timing APD bias control (2%)+ other control channels T cards
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 17 Trigger Router Card 448 channels Functions: Data and Control GTL cable bus with FEE’s and RCU Digitization of quadlets from FEE boards PHOS L0/L1 Trigger generation Router for event data stream via RCU to ALICE DAQ
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 18 Readout Control Unit Functions: Main Controller, DDL to ALICE DAQ, DCS Ethernet Provides timing information
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 19 PHOS FE & RO electronics: Status R&D for a few elements has ended Most of the elements in design/development phase There is a lot of work in all areas Designed as state-of-the-art technologies (programmable logic) Construction sites not yet defined 4 x 8 crystals FEE board 32 crystals Trigger / Router Board TRU energy trigger control RCU control data L0, L1 ALICE DAQ Trigger DCS
October-November 2003 China - ALICE meeting 20 PHOS collaboration China: Beijing, China Institute of Atomic Energy Wuhan, Huazhong Normal University, Institute for Particle Physics Czech Republic: Prague, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physics France: Nantes, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomic et des Technologies Associées Norway: Bergen, University of Bergen, Department of Physics Oslo, University of Oslo, Department of Physics Poland: Warsaw, Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies Russia: Moscow, Russian Research Center ‘Kurchatov Institute’ Protvino, Institute for High Energy Physics Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center ‘VNIIEF’ Dubna, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research