Seite BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Rohstoffwirtschaft e.V. Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste.


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Presentation transcript:

Seite BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Rohstoffwirtschaft e.V. Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste German case Claas Oehlmann Resource policy officer Biomass Policies| Brussels|

Seite The BDE 2 Federation of German Waste, Water and Raw Materials Management Industry approximately 750 member enterprises largest association in the German recycling and waste management industry largest European association of its sector Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite Agenda Claas Oehlmann3 Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case 1.Introduction: bio-waste in Europe 2. European legislation 3. German case: resource potential of bio-waste 4. Conclusion: setting the right framework in the EU - Product status for compost and digestate - Managing bio-waste as a resource

Seite 1. Introduction: bio-waste in Europe 4Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case 31 % organic waste Source: Eurostat, Zerowaste, 2007 Average composition of household waste in EU 27 in 2007

Seite 1. Introduction: bio-waste in Europe to 138 mt of bio-waste generated every year  about 88 mt are municipal waste  expected to increase about 10% Still 40% landfilling of bio-waste in the EU waste treatment for source separated bio-waste only in some countries Potential financial benefits of 1,5 up to 7 billion Euro by 2020  depending on the ambition of the set objectives (Source: Commission‘s Communication COM(2010)235 “on future steps in bio-waste management in the European Union”, 2010) Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite 1. Introduction: bio-waste in Europe 6 Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case Source: Commission staff working document accompanying the Communication on future steps in bio- waste management in the EU, 2010 Baseline scenario – projected evolution of bio-waste treatment (EU-27)

Seite 2. European legislation 7 Waste hierarchy Art. 4 Waste Framework Directive (a)prevention; (b) preparing for re-use; (c) recycling; (d) other recovery, e.g. energy recovery; and (e) disposal. Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite 2. European legislation 8 European framework for bio-waste Art. 3 Waste Framework Directive Biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, caterers and retail premises and comparable waste from food processing plants Art. 22 Waste Framework Directive Member States shall take measures (...) to encourage: (a) the separate collection of bio-waste (...) (b) the treatment of bio-waste (...) (c)the use of environmentally safe materials produced from bio-waste. Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite German case 9Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilize the potential of biowaste, the German Case Source: Waste balance of the La ̈ nder/ Stat. Bundesamt, Witzenhausen-Institut 2014 Evolution of the food/kitchen waste and garden waste quantity in Germany from 1990 to 2012 Million T. / Year

Seite10Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case 3. German case Landfill ban for untreated municipal waste since mt separate collected bio-waste in 2012  4.4 mt bio-waste collected in bins  4.7 mt separate green waste collection 111 kg per person and year of bio-waste Biggest separate collected material flow from households Still about 4 to 5 mt of bio-waste in mixed municipal waste for households- thus bio-waste also the biggest unseparated fraction Art. 11 (1) German Recycling and Waste Act (KrWG) :... biological waste (…) shall be collected separately by 1 January Source: Kern, Siepenkothen, Bioabfallerfassung 2.0 – Neue Chancen und Herausforderungen Witzenhausen-Institut, 2014

Seite 3. German case 11Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case Source: Witzenhausen-Institut, 2010 Public-sector waste management municipalities providing a bio-waste bin in Germany in 2010 Municipalities without bio-waste bin or ≤ 5kg /res*a

Seite 3. German case 12Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case Average composition of municipal waste in Germany, 2014 Source: Witzenhausen-Institut, 2014

Seite 3. German case 13Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case Source: Witzenhausen-Institut, 2014 Average composition of bio-waste in municipal waste in Germany, 2014

Seite 3. German case 14 "100 %" separate collection rate  all fractions of the bio-waste stream  only acceptable exception: home-composting resource bio-waste: three steps to make use of it 1. Establishing user-friendly separate collection systems 2. Implementing of separate collection systems by municipalities 3. Funding of German Government through German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) for combined composting and digestion plants Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite 4. Conclusion: Setting the right framework in the EU 15Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case Product status for compost and digestate Approach 1: End-of waste criteria (EoW criteria) possibility of defining EoW criteria (Art. 6 WFD) technical proposals for EoW criteria for each stream January 2014: publication of criteria for compost and digestate (JRC IPTS‘s report ) February 2014: COM stopped the EOW-approach for an unknown period of time

Seite16 Product status for compost and digestate Approach 2: Product criteria within the fertiliser regulation DG ENTR aims at  harmonising the EU market for fertilisers  including organic fertilisers, soil improvers and growing media  combining product requirements with a limited negative list of substances that may not be used to produce fertiliser with a product status Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case 4. Conclusion: Setting the right framework in the EU

Seite 4. Conclusion: Setting the right framework in the EU 17 Managing bio-waste as a resource at European level: pre-treatment obligation in the EU  to ban the landfilling for untreated municipal waste complete separate bio-waste collection  from private households and businesses  to direct the stream towards a high-quality treatment criteria for the product status of compost and digestate  to ensure high quality standards EU-funding aligned to the five-step waste hierarchy Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case

Seite Thank you for your attention ! 18Claas Oehlmann Setting the right framework to mobilise the potential of bio-waste, the German case