Low Cost Modernization Low Cost Modernization “Efficiency without the big price tag” Nolan Andersen Mark Mayer Dairy & Livestock Agents
There Is No Single Design That Works for Everyone “Every Design Involves Trade-offs”
Building Design Features Stall Surfaces Cow Flow Gates Freestalls & Bedded pens Feed & Water access Ventilation Lighting Personnel Safety Passes Manure Handling Local Ordinances Cow Restraint
County and State Ordinances WI DNR Permit needed for 1,000+ A.U.’s Dane County Storm Water Ordinance Green County Building Permit Large Farm Permit: , , 1,000+ Manure Storage Permit Needed If: 5,000+ Cu.Ft. or 30+ Days Storage
Functional Design of Building Location Layout Space Cow Flow Ventilation Manure Feeding
Transitioning in Baby Steps Identify & Prioritize Needs/Goals Develop a Farmstead Plan Phased Construction –Build Freestall to increase cow comfort Biggest payback if stalls and ventilation is poor –Build Milking Facility Retrofit or new
Remodel Facilities or Build New? Will Remodeled buildings: provide animal comfort? allow for the implementing new practices? allow for a good animal environment? allow for expansion? provide good animal flow? Cost of Remodeling Vs. New Construction
Ways to Keep Cost Low Know what you want Visit farms for low cost ideas Find dealer willing to work with you Pay a fair price for services/expertise Function as the general contractor you need time and interest Provide labor Prepare for unknowns
Modernization Words of Wisdom Goal setting and communication is critical Plan, Plan, Plan Location: Don’t be afraid to move & remember cows can walk! Cash Flow and Overruns Manure Removal and Storage Seek advice from Ag Professionals Go slow and visit other farms Take a notepad, camera and tape measure Ask to milk in their facilities Ask what would you do differently