Peace through submission to Allah My Little Reference Book
The 5 Pillars of Islam 1. Shahada- Testimony and declaration of faith 2. Salah- Prayer 5 times a day 3. Zakat- 2 1/2% charity to the poor 4. Saum- Fasting during the month of Ramadan 5. Hajj- Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once a lifetime I S L A M
The 6 Pillars of Iman (Faith or Belief) Iman is the best of all gifts. 1. Allah - The One and Only God 1. Allah - The One and Only God 2. Angels - Creatures of Allah made of light that follow Allah 2. Angels - Creatures of Allah made of light that follow Allah 3. Prophets of Allah - Sent to all nations to teach them guidance 3. Prophets of Allah - Sent to all nations to teach them guidance 4. Books of Allah - Sent to the prophets to help them teach 4. Books of Allah - Sent to the prophets to help them teach 5. Day of Judgement - When all people will be gathered and judged 5. Day of Judgement - When all people will be gathered and judged 6. Destiny (Qadr) - Allah knows everything we do before we do it. 6. Destiny (Qadr) - Allah knows everything we do before we do it I M A N
Shahadah - Testimony of Faith Ashaduanna Laa ilaaha Illallah Wa Ashaduanna Muhammadur Rasoolullah I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. A person becomes Muslim by reciting, believing and practicing the Shahadah!
Salah - Prayer 1. Fajr - at dawn until before sunrise - 2 rakats 2. Dhuhr - noon until late afternoon - 4 rakats 3. Asr - late afternoon until sunset - 4 rakats 4. Maghrib - after sunset until dark - 3 rakats 5. Ishaa - at night until dawn - 4 rakats
Zakat - Sharing with the Needy Every Muslim gives 2 1/2 % of their savings each year to the poor and needy. Our wealth belongs to Allah and Allah will give us more if we pay Zakat.
Saum - Fasting We fast in the holy month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset each day. We do not eat or drink and avoid bad things.
Hajj - Pilgrimage Every Muslim who can afford it must make the pilgrimage to the Kabah in Mecca at least once in a lifetime.
Allah Tawheed-The Oneness of Allah 1. Lordship- Allah is the only Creator and Sustainer. 2. Names and Attributes- We describe Allah only as He and the Prophet(saw) did in the Quran and Sunnah. 3. Worship- We worship and ask help from only Allah.
Allah has 99 names called Asma-ul-Husna. We accept these names, do not deny them, and do not try to explain them. We should try to understand the significance of these names and try to live upto them. The Proper Name of the Creator is Allah. Rabb- The Sustainer Ar-rahman-the Most Gracious Ar-raheem- the Most Merciful Al-malik- the King Al-quddus-the Holy As-salam-the Source of Peace Al-mu’min-The Giver of Faith Al-muhaimin-the Preserver of Safety Al-’azeez-the Exalted in might Al-jabbar-the Irresistible Al-mutakabbir - the Supreme Al-khaliq - the Creator Al-baari` - the Maker Al-musawwir-the Shaper of all forms and apperances
Angels - Mala’ikah A ngels are the servants of Allah. They are made from Nur-light. They never disobey Allah and are ready to obey Allah’s commands. Angels have many different jobs. One job of Angel Jibreel was to bring Divine Revealation to the prophet Muhammad (saw). 2 Recording Angels are with us all the time writing down everything we say or do. Some great angels are: Jibra’eel Mika’eel Izra’eel Israfil
Prophets of Allah-Rusulullah Whenever we forgot the message of Allah, He sent us prophets and messengers to teach us to worship and obey Him. Allah sent prophets to every nation. Allah completed His Message with Muhammad (s). Thre shall be no prophet after him. He is the last and final of all prophets and messengers. The complete message which Allah gave to Muhammad (s) is ISLAM. It is the complete guidance for all humanind until the end of the world. We will be happy and find peace if we only follow Islam.
We know of 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran. These are: (peace be upon them all) 1. Adam 2. Idris (Enoch) 3. Nuh (Noah) 4. Hud 5. Salih 6. Ibrahim (Abraham) 7. Ismail (Ishmael) 8. Ishaq (Isaac) 9. Lut (Lot) 10. Yaqub (Jacob) 11. Yusuf (Joseph) 12. Shu’aib 13. Ayyub (Job) 14. Musa (Moses) 15. Harun (Aaron) 16. Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel) 17. Dawud (David) 18. Sulaiman (Solomon) 19. Iliyas (Elias) 20. Al-Yasa (Elisha) 21. Yunus (Jonah) 22. Zakariyya (Zechariah) 23. Yahya (John) 24. Isa (Jesus) 25. Muhammad
Books of Allah Allah sent books to some of his prophets. The book sent down to the last prophet was the Qur’an. The Quran tells us about other books sent to earlier messengers. These books were later lost or changed by their followers. The Qur’an is the only original complete guidance from Allah. Prophet Ibrahim - Sahifah (scrolls) Prophet Musa - Tawrat (Torah) Prophet Dawud - Zaubur (Psalms) Prophet Isa - Injil (Gospel) Prophet Muhammad (saw) - Qur’an
Day of Judgement (Yawmul Akhir) After we die, there will be a day called the Day of Judgement. Allah will make us alive again and ask us about how we lived on the earth. Those who obeyed Allah will enter Paradise (Jannah) and those who disobeyed Allah will be sent to the Hellfire (Jahannam).
Destiny - Qadr Destiny means that Allah knows everything we are going to do before we do it- good or evil. Everything that happens in this world is part of Allah’s plan and everything has a meaning, but we still have to do our part. We still have the free will to make choices.
Ihsan Ihsan means to worship Allah like you see Him, but we do not see Him, but He sees us.
Islam - submission to Allah; peace Muslim - someone who follows Islam and obeys Allah and His commands Shirk - worshiping other than Allah Creeping Shirk - showing off; having intention for something other than Allah Imaan - faith or belief Nabi - a prophet Rasul - a prophet who brought a book Kufr - disbelief Hypocrite - pretends to be Muslim
Quran - last book given to prophet Muhammad (s). Hadith- sayings, doings and approvals of prophet Muhammad (s) written down. Sunnah- example of the prophet Muhammad (s)
Two Kinds of Sins Major Sins- a great disobedience to Allah, can only be forgiven through repentance (feeling sorry and asking Allah for forgiveness) 1. SHIRK - Associating anything with Allah 2. Muder, taking someones life without reason 3. Practising magic 4. Not praying 5. Not paying Zakat 6. Not fasting on a day of Ramadan without excuse 7. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so 8. Disrespect to parents 9. Abandoing relatives 10. Fornication and adultery (Zina) Minor Sins- can be washed away by daily prayers and good deeds.
Conditions of Acceptance of a Good Deed 1. Good intention - For Allah’s sake only 2. According to Quran and Sunnah