Messengers of Allah 1.Allah sent many messengers to this world from time to time to guide mankind. 2.These messengers were known as RASOOLS and NABIS. 3.The FIRST of these messengers was : 4.Adam(Alayhis-Salaam) (Peace be upon him). 5.The LAST of the messengers was 6.Prophet Muhammad (Alayhis-Salaam) (Peace be upon him). 7.We do not know the names of all the NABIS that came into the world. 8.There were about Nabis. 9.All the NABIS and RASOOLS were human beings whom Allah chose to convey His message to the people. 10.They always spoke the truth, committed no sins and conveyed the message without adding or leaving out anything. 11.They performed miracles with the help of Allah Ta'ala. 12.All the RASOOLS were NABIS but not all NABIS were RASOOLS. 2
Messengers of Allah -----True or False 1.Allah sent many messengers to this world from time to time to guide mankind. 2.These messengers were known as RASOOLS and NOBLES. 3.The FIRST of these messengers was : Musa (Alayhis-Salaam) (Peace be upon him). The LAST of the messengers was Prophet Muhammad (Alayhis-Salaam) (Peace be upon him). 4.We do not know the names of all the NABIS that came into the world. 5.There were about Nabis. 6.All the NABIS and RASOOLS were not humans whom Allah chose to convey His message to the people. 7.They always spoke the truth, committed no sins and conveyed the message without adding or leaving out anything. 8.They performed miracles with the help of Allah Ta'ala. 9.All the RASOOLS were NABIS but not all NABIS were RASOOLS. 2 TRUE FALSE TR UE FALSE TRUE
A RASOOL is a Prophet who received a new SHARIAT (Divine Law) and Book from Allah. A NABI follows the SHARIAT of a RASOOL or a Prophet before him. No person can become a NABI or a RASOOL by his own effort. No more Prophets will come after our NABI Hazrat MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam).He was the final Prophet of Allah. In the HOLY QURAAN Allah Ta'ala mentioned our NABI Hazrat MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam) as KHAATIMUN NABIYEEN which means that he is the LAST of all the NABIS. What is the difference between a RASOOL and NABI? Why is it that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last Prophet?
The names of some NABIS and RASOOLS mentioned in the QURAAN are 1.Prophet EBRAHIM, 2.Prophet ISMAIL, 3.Prophet YAHYA, 4.Prophet ZAKARIA, 5.Prophet YUNUS, 6.Prophet IDRIS, 7.Prophet YAQOOB and 8.Prophet SULEMAN (Alay-Himus-Salaam). Our NABI Hazrat MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa- Sallam) was of the highest position amongst all the Prophets. All the prophets of Allah preached the oneness of Allah Ta'ala.