Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Realkatalog (DAI) Author searches – compound names Bibliotheken Click = next Libraries
Dyabola: author search - compound name -In this demo we search the Archäologische Bibliographie (aktualisierte Version des Realkatalogs). The Zugangsverzeichnis des Deutschen Archäologischen Institutes Madrid works on the same principle -This demo uses the English version
You are looking for publications by Gerda Sommer von Bülow Sommer von Bülow Always start with a capital letter and use diacritics (é, ü, ç, etc.) if these occur in the name First search by the complete surname (without the first name)
3 hits Then search by each of the names, Sommer and Bülow
52 hits If you are not certain of the spelling, e.g. the author Leendert Louwe Kooijmans, then use the standard search screen
In this case you find 2 variants of the name Click one of the names to see the publications
Kooijmans, L.P.L.: 1 hit
Louwe Kooijmans, L.P.: 8 hits
Search the author L.B. van der Meer by Meer, as well asVan der Meer Note: prefixes (de, van, van der, etc.) are not always treated consistently
Summary -With expert search always start with a capital letter and use diacritics -Search complexound names by all elements of the name -Use the simple search option to find variants of a name -Also search by the prefixes (with a capital letter and/or written as one word)