Getting Ready for Algebra Online: Enhancing Instruction 24/7 Leslie Hays, Ed.D., Director Cheryl Tyler, Project Specialist San Diego County Office of Education "The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation is not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education."
Program Overview An intervention program that spirals key concepts and is designed to increase student success in Algebra.
Getting Ready for Algebra Online is: An online professional development program designed for math teachers of grades four through high school intervention Created with support from the San Diego County Superintendents Achievement Gap Task Force Funded by a California Math/Science Partnership (CaMSP) Grant through June 2008
Getting Ready for Algebra Online is: Grounded in research-based effective practices Guided by mathematics experts: Dr. Nick Branca, Mathematics Professor Emeritus, SDSU Dr. Nadine Bezuk, Mathematics Education Professor, SDSU Dr. Rafaela Santa Cruz, Mathematics & EL Education, SDSU Informed by expert practitioners Cathy Williams, Mathematics Coordinator, SDCOE Cheryl Tyler, CaMSP Program Specialist, SDCOE Vetted by classroom teachers Formative review, feedback, and input throughout 2005–2007 by over 100 classroom and resource teachers
Primary Research Questions Does teacher involvement in Getting Ready for Algebra Online professional development: increase mathematics content knowledge? increase mathematics pedagogy knowledge? change classroom practices? increase student achievement? Does use of the online component improve results, as measured by the primary research questions?
Intervention students require concrete models to begin the cycle of learning Concrete 3D - Move it, restructure it Representational 2D - Draw it on paper Symbolic Abstract form Assessment School/District/ CST/CAHSEE Based on the CA Mathematics Framework’s Balanced Instruction
Measures Teacher measures: Learning Mathematics for Teaching Mathematics content Mathematics pedagogy Classroom Inventory Teaching practices Instructional strategies Online program use Student measures: Project-specific: CSU/UC Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project: Algebra Readiness Test External measures: CST, MAP, CAHSEE
Teacher-focused Process During , Getting Ready for Algebra Online’s initial cohort of 58 teachers: helped prioritize program content reviewed program content and provided feedback provided classroom examples of best practices tested program components, as they were developed, to assure quality, usability, and relevance
Formative Teacher Feedback Statement: Percentage of teachers who “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” The program will be helpful when I need to review Getting Ready for Algebra content. 97% The program is easy to navigate.97% The program is easy to understand.97% I plan to use GRA Online during the upcoming school year. 100% I plan to share GRA Online with other teachers at my school. 97%
Formative Teacher Feedback What was the value of being able to see: Percentage of teachers who rated “Great Value” or “High Value” The video lessons89% The professors' introductions to the mathematics concepts 83% The standards & textbook correlations86% The strategies for English learners and Special Needs students 72%
Getting Ready for Algebra Online includes: Algebra-related content and pedagogy Experts modeling mathematics thinking Video-based classroom instruction examples Textbook correlations to the California mathematics standards Glossary of terms in English and Spanish Standards-aligned downloadable classroom instructional materials Strategies for English learners and students with special needs An interactive online community of mathematics educators sharing thinking and insight
Content knowledge reinforced with visual examples of commonly used operations
Real classroom videos with expert teachers showing how to teach key concepts
Lessons Aligned to CA Content Standards
The GRAO community page is for teachers’ questions and “just in time” model video lessons linked to the CA standards
What teachers have to say about Getting Ready for Algebra Online: “A lot of useful ideas, information, and resources!!!.” “An exciting program with background knowledge and instructional applications that will HELP ME in the future.” “I think I can stop losing sleep over my low scores on Algebra - I’ve been wanting to refresh on this topic for about 2 years and now I can.” “Great tools to power up our math instruction and a better way to ensure student success!”
Program Demonstration Request program preview by clicking on:
Disclaimer The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation are not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.