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The Implementation of Online Tutorial in Abstract Algebra Course and Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions toward Their Academic Achievement I Gusti Ayu Synta Canydia Lestari Mathematics Education Sampoerna School of Education INDONESIA
Background Sampoerna School of Education Blended Learning Moodle Mathematics Education Abstract Algebra Course Online Tutorial
Framework Blended learning: combination of face-to-face class and e-learning Online Tutorial: Share, Discuss, Interact discussion is for contributing ideas, knowledge, and resources to the class (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008) share and connect the new idea and previous experience, provide opportunity for interaction and collaboration, also give support and feedback (Jung & Latchem, 2010)
Objectives 1.What is Pre-service teachers general impression on the implementation of Online Tutorial? 2.What do Pre-service teachers think about the level of thinking required by the problems given in the Online Tutorial? 3.How do Pre-service teachers perceive on Online Tutorial as a help to understand the concept and a support in solving difficulties in learning?
Objectives 4.How do Pre-service teachers perceive about the interaction and collaboration in learning through Online Tutorial? 5.What do Pre-service teachers think about the feedback given in Online Tutorial? 6.What are the difficulties faced by Pre-service teachers in doing Online Tutorial?
Methods Participants 20 pre-service teachers intake 2009 majoring Mathematics Education who enrolled in Abstract Algebra Course, taken purposively. Data Collection Data are obtained from (1) open-ended questionnaire (2) interview and (3) focus group discussion.
Results and Discussion Responses are categorized in to six main topics: 1.General impression on Online Tutorial 2.Opinion about type of problems discussed in Online Tutorial 3.Helpfulness of Online Tutorial for the learning 4.Opinion on the Feedback 5.Difficulties when doing Online Tutorial 6.Suggestion for Online Tutorial
1. General Impression on Online Tutorial Positive (+)Negative (-) - A new thing, very interesting to try - Interactive, communicate between users - Time flexibility - Challenging problems - Able to learn from each other - Exercise more outside the class - Right away feedback - Tolerate mistakes - Get 2 points - Typing needs too much time - Only the fastest person who answers first will get the points. - The race in time makes some students feel under pressure. - No much opportunity for slower paced learners. - Not all students participate - Only students-lecturer interaction, rarely student- student interaction seen.
2. Type of problems discussed in Online Tutorial Problems given are challenging and need Higher Order Thinking (HOT) to solve, because: It is difficult to solve just by relying on previous exercise or searching the answer on the internet The questions are different to what have been discussed in class Open-ended, leaving space to explore Need deep analysis and proofing Some questions are tricky
3. Online Tutorial as a helpful source of learning Get their work checked, revise it again Enrich knowledge Learn from feedback Learn from other students’ works Exercise more outside the class Preparing exam.
4. Difficulties faced doing Online Tutorial o The problems are sometimes too hard for some students. o Misunderstanding the problems (often caused by the language issues in understanding the problems given). o Internet connection at home is problematic o Writing the symbol and equation is confusing at first and takes a lot of time. o Some students say that the time given for answering the problems is too short.
5. Students’ response to the Feedback given in Online Tutorial Mostly, students react positively toward the feedback. (appreciated, helping in revising their answer) Some students feel confused by the feedback. (“why my answer is not correct?”) Some students prefer the feedback to be simple, they can explore by themselves to get the right answer.
6. Suggestion for improvement of Online Tutorial Make a clearer leveling of problems form easy- intermediate-difficult with different scoring (points) for each level. Give hints for difficult problems when necessary. Put key answers or solution at the end. Put more open-ended problems. Make a fix schedule of time to posting the problems and to close the discussion.
Conclusions Ahmed and Wall (2007) stated that in learning, we need to allow student to choose activity they thing will be the most beneficial for their learning. Online Tutorial is designed in purpose of providing a help for learning Abstract Algebra course better. Mostly, students show positive impression on the Online Tutorial and think it is helpful for their learning. It still need improvement, especially on coverage of students in all layer.
What next? There is limitation of this study in number of participants and the scope of study which is only in one teacher college. A quantitative study to see the correlation of the implementation of Online Tutorial and students’ academic achievement in learning Abstract Algebra will add better understanding about this topic of study.
Thank you I Gusti Ayu Synta Canydia Lestari Mathematics Education Sampoerna School of Education