The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was organized by and carried out by a group of patriots led by Samuel Adams know as the sons of liberty.
The sons of liberty The sons of liberty were made up of males from all walks of colonial society, among its membership were artisans, craftsmen, business owners, tradesmen, apprentices and common labors who organized to defend their rights, and to protest and undermine British rule.
When was the Boston tea party The Boston tea party took place on the winter night of Thursday December it was between 7:00 and 10:00. It last approximately three hours.
Where was The Boston Tea Party The original location of The Boston Tea Party no longer exists because of the extensive century Boston, Griffin’s Wharf was bustling center by the city of Boston’s rapid expansion in the 19 th century.
The Location of the Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was located on the congress street bridge that is located near the approximate place that the tea party took place. It is estimated that hundreds took part in the Boston Tea Party. For fear of punishment, many participants of the Boston Tea Party remained anonymous for many years after the event.
The colonies and Great Britain The relationship is that the colonies is like the child because it is smaller than Great Britain. Great Britain is like the parent because it is much bigger than the colonies. Like in the book the parent is bigger than the child and the child is smaller than the parent.