Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui Consultant Neurologist and Epileptologist Aga Khan University
What is Epilepsy? One of the most oldest and commonest described neurological disorder. Derived from the Greek word “epilambanium”, which means “to seize upon”, “to attack” Unspeakble misery, lunatism, daemonic suffering, nasejet, coming from God “Scrouge of Christ” Sacred illness, the falling sickness….
Epidemiology SEIZURES: incidence; 80/ lifetime prevalence 9% EPILEPSY incidence; 45/ Prevalence 0.5-1% The most common group of serious neurological diseases.
Epidemiology Overall prevalence of epilepsy in Pakistan is estimated 9.99/1000 population. Higher prevalence in age <30 Higher prevalence in rural population Idiopathic epilepsy 21-76% Only 27.5% of epileptics in urban ares and 1.9% in rural areas were treated with antiepileptics.
Epilepsy-20th Century Belief that epilepsy is a form of mental illness a Half of individuals with epilepsy in quality of life (QOL) study felt stigmatized b Prohibition against marriage in some US states until 1980 and in UK until 1970 c a Kingsley RE, Zimmerman DD. General Information About Epilepsy. South Bend, Ind: Epilepsy Education Association; b Baker GA, et al. Epilepsia. 1997;38: c World Health Organization. Fact Sheet No February 2001.
Epilepsy: A patients perspective E nigma P aranoia I gnorant L onely E mbound P ersistant S seizures Y Me?
Women with epilepsy
An Electrical disturbance of the Brain
Seizure Types Syncope Migraine Psychogenic Toxic Cerebrovascular Metabolic Single Nonepileptic Recurrent Epileptic GeneralizedPartial SimpleComplex Secondarily Generalized Absence Tonic-clonic Tonic Clonic Myoclonic Atonic Adapted from International League Against Epilepsy. Epilepsia. 1981:22:
Epilepsy: treatable Today there are over 20 different medications to treat epilepsy. How do we pick the right drug?
Abdussattar Edhi : 40 years of epilepsy
Elisibeth Gardner Bouguereau The Shephard David Triumphant, 1895 Rendering of neurologist shepharding patient being rescued from jaws of death
“Aafia Siddiqui is an institution in herself; She will bring change where ever she goes!” Prof. Noam Chomsky: MIT This presentation is dedicated to cognitive neuroscientist DR. AAFIA SIDDIQUI