Determining Density
Mass Density Mass density is a measure of mass per volume Formula sheet High DensityLow Density M = VD m Rearrange to solve Now need M and V
Mass Density: Mass per Volume Mass measured in units such as –US Customary: ounces (oz) or pounds (lb) –SI: grams (g), kilograms (kg) Volume measured in units such as –US Customary: Cubic inches or feet (in. 3 or ft 3 ) –SI: Cubic centimeter or meter (cm 3 or m 3 ) MaterialMass Density (kgm -3 ) Atmosphere Sea Level)1.2 Water (Pure)1,000 Water (Sea)1,030 Aluminum2,700 Steel (1018)7,833 Lead11,340
Sources of Mass and Volume Measurement Mass –Typically measured directly using a scale Volume –Calculate based on geometry and dimension measurements –Indirect measurement using water displacement or 3D scanner
Volume: Calculation Some object volumes can be calculated What is the volume formula for each object?
Volume: Indirect Measure Volume of an irregular object can be determined indirectly with fluid displacement Level Elevates
Volume: Indirect Measure Record water level with only water Add samples Record new level Difference is sample volume Volume Change Meniscus shape is exagerated for clarity Read level here
Example What is the density of a 1.12 in. sphere of titanium that weighs 0.96 lb What volume of water would it displace?