Trait and Sex Selection: The Arrival of Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing Jaime King, JD, PhD University of California, Hastings College of the Law Tarrytown Meeting July 26, 2011 Jaime King, JD, PhD University of California, Hastings College of the Law Tarrytown Meeting July 26, 2011
Contents of Maternal Blood Serum
Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis
No Brave New World?
Critical Features of NIPD Non-Invasive Timing Comparatively Less Expensive Non-Invasive Timing Comparatively Less Expensive
Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (NIPD)
Current Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis Amniocentesis Chorionic Villus Sampling
Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnostic Testing Timeline 4-5 Weeks - Earliest Detection of cell free fetal DNA (cff DNA) 7-9 Weeks - Commercial Sex Determination 9 Weeks - Reliable Genetic Testing 7-10 Weeks - Reliable Aneuploidy Testing 4-5 Weeks - Earliest Detection of cell free fetal DNA (cff DNA) 7-9 Weeks - Commercial Sex Determination 9 Weeks - Reliable Genetic Testing 7-10 Weeks - Reliable Aneuploidy Testing
Current Prenatal Screening Timeline The California Prenatal Screening Program, Patient Booklet, March 2009 Diagnostic Tests - Chorionic Villus Sampling weeks - Amniocentesis weeks (preferred)
Costs T21 – Steven Quake predicts testing costs will be ~ $300 for Down Syndrome. Prenatal Screening ~ $200 Ultrasound ~$300 Amniocentesis and CVS ~ $1500 T21 – Steven Quake predicts testing costs will be ~ $300 for Down Syndrome. Prenatal Screening ~ $200 Ultrasound ~$300 Amniocentesis and CVS ~ $1500
Non-Invasive+Early+Low Cost = High Volume
Major Uses Sex Determination Diagnosis of Fetal Blood Type Detection of Fetal Aneuploidy Diagnosis of Single Gene Disorders Susceptibility to Multigene and Complex Genetic Disorders Genome Wide Analysis Sex Determination Diagnosis of Fetal Blood Type Detection of Fetal Aneuploidy Diagnosis of Single Gene Disorders Susceptibility to Multigene and Complex Genetic Disorders Genome Wide Analysis
Initial Implementation Challenges
Who will offer NIPD? Physicians Biotechnology Companies Both?
Commercial Sex Detection
What Tests to Offer?
How to Inform Patients?
2 Step Informed Consent Model
Longer Term Implementation Concerns Routinization of Prenatal Genetic Testing Regulating Reproductive Autonomy Routinization of Prenatal Genetic Testing Regulating Reproductive Autonomy
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