The Circulatory System Jaqueline, Briana, Diana
What are the parts of the circulatory system? Did you know that your heart makes you live? These are the parts of your heart. The heart has a part called chambers. One is on top and another on the bottom. The blood vessels are attached to our body. Another part of the circulatory system is blood. It sends blood to the blood vessels. The heart has a muscle called the septum. The septum`s job is to separate the left side and the right side of the heart. Your heart pumps blood through your body parts so that we can live.
How does the circulatory system work? The circulatory system works by pumping blood around your body. It also works by the muscle contracting and squirting blood along. The circulatory system also moves your muscles. The heart parts are made up of four different blood filled areas, and each of these areas is called a chamber. That’s how the circulatory system works.
What are the steps of the circulatory system? The circulatory system helps you live. There are many steps in the circulatory system. The heart sends blood to all of your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. The blood also carries away waste. Before each beat, your heart fills with blood. These are the steps of the circulatory system.