TM5 meeting, De Bilt, 10.06.2003 Dry Deposition in TM5 F.Dentener, M.Krol, L.Ganzeveld, G. Verver, A. Segers M.v. Weele Calculate on 1x1 degree, then coarsen.


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Presentation transcript:

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, Dry Deposition in TM5 F.Dentener, M.Krol, L.Ganzeveld, G. Verver, A. Segers M.v. Weele Calculate on 1x1 degree, then coarsen to required resolution Use as much as possible consistent ECMWF fields Reduce the amount of pre-processing Simplified a number of calculations.

TM5 meeting, De Bilt,

Main subroutines: dd_get_3_hourly_surface_fields dd_calc_ustar_raero_rb dd_calc_rstom_rahcan dd_calc_inisurf dd_calc_rs dd_coarsen_vd

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, External fields required: lsmlai.hdf (from Olson) soilph.hdf () ECMWF fields, either 3 hourly or daily average every daily file contains all fields: easy restart. Not every field in surface file is actually used by dry_deposition. Constant fields: lsm (land-sea mask) tv, cvl, cvh vegetation characteristics (at moment annual average)

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, Daily fields: sr_ecm surface roughness cisea ice sd snow depth swvl1soil water volume 3 hourly fields t2m2 m temperature d2m2 m dew point temperature u10,v1010 m u and v component of wind speed surfstresssurface stresss src skin reservoir content ssr solar radiation sshf surface sensible heat flux slhf surface latent heat flux

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, subroutine dd_calc_ustar_raero_rb Method ! ! uses the log normal wind profile information stored by ! ECMWF in 10 meter wind ! to estimate a local ustar over land ! uses Charnock equation over sea to estimate ustar ! aerodynamic resistance is calculated from heat fluxes and ! ustar using a constant reference height ! sub laminar resistance from ustar MUCH SIMPLER THAN PREVIOUS METHOD WHERE USTAR AND RAERO WERE CALCULATED ITERATIVELY

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, subroutine dd_calc_rstom_rahcan ! ! Purpose ! ! Calculate water vapour stomatal resistance from the PAR ! (Photosythetically Active Radiation) which is 0.55 times ! the net short wave radiation (ssr) at the surface. ! Calculate rahcan from ustar and lai USE OF SSR IS IMPROVEMENT COMPARED TO TM3 WHICH USED MONTHLY AVERAGED FIELDS AND A SCALING FACTOR

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, subroutine dd_calc_inisurf ! ! Purpose ! ! Calculate some surface fields later needed in the calculation CLOSE TO TMSCIA VERSION MVW, USES ALMOST ENTIRELY ECMWF FIELDS

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, Consistency of data …. forest

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, Raero on-line calculated monthly average Raero preprocessing calculated monthly average

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, Ustar calculated on line January and July Ustar preprocessing January and July

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, vdHNO3 TM5 January and July, TM3 July

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, vdO3

TM5 meeting, De Bilt, vdSO2