Latitude and Longitude
Run West and East but Measure North and South Latitude lines Run West and East but Measure North and South
Most important line of Latitude is the Equator. All lines of Latitude Measure North and South of the Equator.
Latitude lines are also called Parallels. The lines will never meet, intersect, or cross.
When locating a place Latitude always comes first. # ° North or South North Latitude measures up from the Equator South Latitude measures down from the Equator A place is North or South of the Equator
Run North and South but Measure West and East Longitude Lines Run North and South but Measure West and East
Most important line of longitude is the Prime Meridian. All lines of Longitude are measured West and East of the Prime Meridian.
Longitude lines are also called Meridians Lines will meet at the North and South Poles
When locating a place Longitude always comes second #° West or East West longitude measures left of the Prime Meridian East longitude measures right of the Prime Meridian A place is West or East of the Prime Meridian
Together lines of latitude and longitude create the Grid System.
All Important Lines. Equator 0° Arctic Circle 66.5°N Antarctic Circle 66.5°S Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°S North Pole 90°N South Pole 90°S Prime Meridian 0° 180th Meridian 180°
Now its time to locate Places.