Morgan Abrahamson
Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: Third grade Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to teach students map skills. Learning Objective: Given a map of the United States, students will use the cardinal directions to locate major physical features and cities, with 100% accuracy. Tennessee Standard: 3.3. Use cardinal directions, map scales, legends, titles, and longitude and latitude to locate major cities and countries in the world. ISTE Standard: 6.A. Understand and use technology systems.
What is a direction? A direction is the course along which something or someone travels.
Primary and Secondary Directions There are four primary directions: –North –South –East –West There are four secondary directions: –Northeast –Southeast –Northwest –Southwest
How can we remember the directions? This song may help you remember the directions!! QH7Okhttps:// QH7Ok
Do you remember the acronyms they used in the song? Never Eat Salty Watermelon Never Eat Soggy Worms
Let’s see what you can do! Find a partner and come up with your own acronym to remember the directions! Now, find a pair of partners and share your acronym. Who wants to share with the class?
What is a compass rose? A compass rose is a circle on a map that shows the principal directions.
What is a scale? A scale is a ratio that compares a measurement on a map to the actual distance between locations identified on a map.
What is a legend? A legend tells you what the different symbols on a map represent.
What is latitude? Latitude lines are invisible lines that run east and west around the Earth. They measure the distance north and south from the Equator.
What is the Equator? The Equator is the base, or 0, for all lines of latitude. Latitude lines above the Equator measure North. Latitude lines below the Equator measure South.
What is longitude? Longitude lines are invisible lines that run north and south around the Earth. They measure the distance east and west from the Prime Meridian.
What is the Prime Meridian? The Prime Meridian is the base, or 0, for all lines of longitude. Longitude lines to the right of the Prime Meridian measure East. Latitude lines to the left of the Prime Meridian measure West.
When writing latitude and longitude, which comes first? When writing latitude and longitude, latitude comes first. Think! LA comes before LO!
Let’s practice our skills!! Let's practice directions! Let’s practice longitude and latitude! Let’s practice using a legend! Let's practice directions again!
Time to test what you’ve learned! Click here to put your knowledge to the test in a cardinal directions quiz!Click here to put your knowledge to the test in a cardinal directions quiz! Remember, Never Eat Soggy Worms!!
What are the four primary directions? North, South, East, West Forward, Backward, Right, Left Nest, South, East, Worth
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What is a compass rose? A pretty flower A tool used on a map to tell direction
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What is a scale (on a map)? The skin of a fish. A ratio that compares a measurement on a map to the actual distance between locations identified on a map.A ratio that compares a measurement on a map to the actual distance between locations identified on a map. Something you use to weigh things.
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What is a legend (on a map)? A very old story. Something that tells you what the symbols on a map meanSomething that tells you what the symbols on a map mean
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What do longitude lines measure? The distance north and south from the equatorThe distance north and south from the equator The distance east and west from the prime meridianThe distance east and west from the prime meridian
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
Memorize this legend. Forest Hospital Lake House
Which symbol represents a house?
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What do latitude lines measure? The distance north and south from the equatorThe distance north and south from the equator The distance east and west of the prime meridianThe distance east and west of the prime meridian
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
Longitude lines run ___, latitude lines run___. North and south, east and west East and west, north and south
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
If you go North from Memphis, Tennessee, what city do you come to first? St. Louis, Missouri Atlanta, Georgia Tallahassee, Florida Salt Lake City, Utah
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What city is southeast from Little Rock, Arkansas? Santa Fe, New Mexico Sacramento, California Jackson, Mississippi Albany, New York
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
What state is northwest of Utah? New Mexico Ohio Minnesota Oregon
Great job! You’re right! Correct!
Any questions?
What did you learn? Today, you learned about map skills. You learned the cardinal directions: North, East, South, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest. You learned what a scale is and how to use it. You learned what a legend is and how to use it. You learned what latitude and longitude lines are and what they measure. You put your skills to the test with the map skills quiz. Now, let’s dance! –Click here for the compass slide!Click here for the compass slide!
Works Cited "Are We There Yet?... You Tell Me!" Are We There Yet?... You Tell Me! Parents Choice, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Clipart." Thinking Clipart. Clipart Panda, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Compass Rose Definition." Google. Google, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Compass Vector Rose." Compass Vector Rose. N.p, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Concept Application." Concept Application. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Determine Your Location." Plantwatch. N.p, n.d. Web. 16 Mar,, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Evergreen Tree Symbol." We Heart It. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Free Cartoon Worm Clipart." RSS. N.p. 01 May Web. 16 Mar. 201 "Getting Started B: Latitude and Longitude." Getting Started. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015
Works Cited Cont. "Home Icon." Symbols. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Hospital Symbol." Spreadshirt. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Map Clipart." Map Clipart. Clipart Panda, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Map Legend." Map Legend. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Pix For Direction Sign Clipart." Pix For. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Prime Meridian." Grade7Geography. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Questions Clipart." Google. Google, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Symbols Map Key Kids." RSS. Rss, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Trophy Clipart Free." Trophy Clipart Free. Clipart Panda, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015
Works Cited Cont. "Unit 8." Flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar "US Map with Capitals And Major Cities." US Map. Proteck Machinery, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "Watermelon Clipart." Watermelon Clipart. Clipart Panda, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "World Map." Free Continents Clip Art. Phillip Martin, n.d. Web. 16 Mar "World Map With Countries." World Map With Countries. Clipart Panda, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015
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