Climate Change Impacts on Georgia’s Natural Resources Steven McNulty, Ph.D. Research Ecologist USDA Forest Service Raleigh, NC
Global change impacts range from the certain to the unknown
Certain change Atmospheric CO 2 is increasing and will continue to increase for the foreseeable future due to human emissions of fossil fuel and land clearing
Northern Hemisphere Carbon Emissions Source: Climate Change Impacts on the US, NAST, 2000
Atmospheric CO 2 Concentrations Source: Climate Change Impacts on the US, NAST, 2000
Very Likely Impacts In Georgia Forests Increased Population Increased Fire Fuel loads Increased Air Temperature
Atmospheric CO 2 Concentrations Source: Climate Change Impacts on the US, NAST, 2000
Northern Hemisphere Surface Temperature Source: Climate Change Impacts on the US, NAST, 2000
“..model estimates that take into account both greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols are consistent with observations over this period” Stott et al, Science 2000
Simulated Temperature over the US Source: Climate Change Impacts on the US, NAST, 2000
Total Population 1990 (NPA)
Total Population 2045 (NPA)
Increase (%) in Population from 1990 to 2045 (NPA)
Total Down Woody Material (Mg/ha) for mixed hardwood & coniferous tree species based on FIA P3 county data Note: two counties have no data available (depicted in white)
Likely Impacts On Georgia Forests (with and without climate change) Inter-annual precipitation variability
Percent of the continental US with a much above normal proportion of total annual precipitation from 1-day extreme events more than 2 inches Karl et al. 1996
Uwharrie National Forest Current Soil Erosion Map
Areas of Soil Erosion By 2030 On UNF
Likely Impacts On Georgia Forests (with and without climate change) Water supply Stress
Water Demand (Use)
Water Availability Supply Demand Climate Land use change Population
Water Supply Stress Index (WSSI) WSSI = Total water demand from all sectors –recharge Total water supply (PPT + ground water)
Change in Water Stress (WSSIR) to assess relative change in WSSI between the base year water stress (1990) and another year water stress 100*)1)( - WSSI 1990 WSSI d WSSIRd =
Georgia Water Stress Hot/Dry year (2043) with ground water available Hot/Dry year (2043) without ground water available Warm/Wet year (2045) with ground water available Warm/Wet year (20450 without ground water available
Mean Temperature Predicted by Had2CMSul for 2043 Hot dry year
Total Precipitation Predicted by Had2CMSul for 2043 Hot dry year
Mean Temperature Predicted by Had2CMSul for 2045 Warm wet year
Total Precipitation Predicted by Had2CMSul for 2045 Warm wet year
Water Supply Stress Index for 2045 wet year with groundwater
WSSI Ratio for 1990:2045 wet year with groundwater
Water Supply Stress Index for 2045 wet year with NO groundwater
WSSI Ratio for 1990:2045wet year with NO groundwater
Water Supply Stress Index for 2043 dry year with groundwater
WSSI Ratio for 1990:2043dry year with groundwater
Water Supply Stress Index for 2043 dry year with NO groundwater
WSSI Ratio for 1990:2043dry year with NO groundwater
Likely Impacts In Georgia Forests (with and without climate change) Extended growing season and warming
The increase in growing season length over the last 50 years averaged for eight stations in Alaska having the longest and most consistent temperature records.
PEcon Hardwood Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario (2000)
PEcon Hardwood Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario (2025)
PEcon Hardwood Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario (2050)
PEcon Harvest Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario Natural Pine, Mixed Pine and Hardwoods (2000)
PEcon Harvest Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario Natural Pine, Mixed Pine and Hardwoods (2025)
PEcon Harvest Volume by FIA Survey Unit Had2CMSul Climate Scenario Natural Pine, Mixed Pine and Hardwoods (2050)
Timberland Acreage Shift in Georgia : No Climate Change Baseline
Timberland Acreage Shift in Georgia by 2040 with Had2CMSul Climate Change
> 25% DECLINE 5%-25% DECLINE <5% CHANGE 5%-25% INCREASE Timberland Acreage Shift 1993 – 2040: No Climate Change Baseline
Timberland Acreage Shifts by 2040 Due to Hadley Climate Change 5%-25% DECLINE <5% CHANGE 5%-25% INCREASE
Unlikely Impacts In Southeastern Forests (dependent of climate change)
Slash pine
Loblolly pine Iverson et. al GTR NE265
Sweetgum Iverson et. al GTR NE265
Longleaf pine
Unknown Impacts In Southeastern Forests (dependent of climate change) Increasing CO 2 on forest growth Insect and disease impacts Integrated stress impacts