Map Elements Write On
Latitude and Longitude The earth is divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude.
Lines The lines measure distances in degrees. Latitude – Equator and the parallel lines; they move up/down or north/south Longitude – Prime Meridian and the parallel lines; move left/right or east/west The lines measure distances in degrees. Latitude Longitude
Where is 0 degree? Equator The equator is 0 degree latitude. It is an imaginary belt that runs halfway point between the North Pole and the South Pole. Equator
P R I M E D A N Where is 0 degree? The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. This imaginary line runs through the United Kingdom, France, Spain, western Africa, and Antarctica.
Practice: Using the atlas pages 106-115: 6 degrees North, 0 degrees East 1 degree North, 32 degrees East 30 degrees South, 28 degrees East 35 degrees North, 5 degrees West 15 degrees South, 8 degrees West
Answers Lake Volta Kampala, Uganda Lesotho Tangier, Morocco Atlantic Ocean (St Helena)
Map Practice Sites to Check Out Skillbuilder Sheppard’s Site GeoSpy
Source: Compass Rose There are four major or cardinal directions on a compass- north, south, east & west Direction Quiz Source:
Scale Maps are made to scale - a direct connection between a unit of measurement on the map and the actual distance. For example, each inch on the map represents one mile on Earth. So, a map of a town would show a mile-long strip of fast food joints and auto dealers in one inch.
Time Zones The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, corresponding to 24 hours in a day. As the earth rotates, the sun shines in different areas, moving from east to west during the course of a day. Places that have the same longitude will be in the same time zone. Every 15 degrees equals 1 hour.
Map Legends The legend is the key to unlocking the secrets of a map. Objects or colors in the legend represent something on the map. Religions Legend
Can you understand this legend? Ask what is present: legend, title What is missing: author or cartographer, scale, latitude/longitude, compass rose
Age Expectancy Legend
Make Our Own Map What did humans do before satellite imaging, extended exploration… The use of our MENTAL MAP came in handy Your task: Create a map using the resources outside, markers, string, etc. Must haves: compass rose, legend/key, scale, cartographer, title (identifying purpose)
Citation Page for Powerpoint Atlas - World (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) Outline Map of US Map Packet Download National Geographic Xpeditions Maps & Globes