DEFINITION OF MAN Article by Kenneth Burke
LET’S BEGIN WITH A QUESTION… How would you ‘define’ a definition? Image source:
Merriam-Webster defines Definition as “an explanation of the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.; a statement that defines a word, phrase, etc.; a statement that describes what something is; a clear or perfect example of a person or thing. Kenneth Burke feels differently. Views definitions as a general idea to spin meaning off of “like a chapter head, under which appropriate observations might be assembled.” Offers “definition of man” to prompt people to consider what they feel the meaning of man is
Burke uses the example of a bird trapped in a building. Even though there are open windows, the bird is unable escape because his instinct is to fly UPWARDS where he continually hits the ceiling. “How different things would be if the bird could speak and we could speak his language.” Image source:
What other examples can you think of where another species would benefit to such a degree from the use of language?
Man is the only animal that uses language and symbolism…BUT this means our reality is constructed of symbols. This means our reality is fragile; everything we see and react to is based on our understanding of the symbols around it. This concept is hard to grasp and most of the time is ignored because seeing reality as a symbolic construction is like “peering over the edge of the things into an ultimate abyss.”
Do we simply use words, or do they use us? This question is posed by Burke to promote understand of how powerful language is.
Words and symbols turn into ideas that inhabit us and lead us to act. Words convince us, change us, provoke us to action. Image Source: BCHkqRyxCOo/UEvGUlmUT9I/AAAAAAAASIU/fso46WkQv3k/s1600/the_power_of_words_by_rollingthunderdesign-d46zp9j.png
When words or symbols are misconstrued they can cause problems Example: Blubber vs. Dumplings Image Source: What other examples can you think of that showcase an instance of misconstrued words or symbols?
Symbolism is like substitution We can substitute other forms of a word or phrase to get a point across more clearly or concisely.
There are no negatives in nature. Negatives are only a product of symbolism.
Things just are what they are in nature. Negatives only occur through human points of view. Image Source:
This is a hard concept to explain, almost like trying to think of ‘nothing.’ Think of negatives as looking at a table and listing all of the things it is not. (This is not a dog. This is not a chair. This is not a person.) Man is the only creature that would think like this.
Language begs for negativity. What ways can you think of that negatives are essential to language and symbolism?
Irony Must know that the words do not mean what they typically should. Metaphors Must know that it is not literal. Implied negatives For words to have meaning, you must know what they are not.
Negatives also include the “don’ts” and the idea of opposition in society Rules: traffic rules, laws, etc. all say what you can’t do. Religions are usually sprung out of opposition to existing or accepted ideas Ex: Protestant denominations are offshoots of Catholicism because of opposing viewpoints. Image Source:
Inventions made by man eventually become ‘natural’ and seem necessary. What inventions can you name that seem natural in today’s society?
Electricity Clothing First day of class questions, many people listed ‘cell phones’ as something they couldn’t live without. Image source: Image source:
These tools and inventions are useless without language and symbolism Technology can’t be utilized without instruction
Some people will point to animals (apes, bees) using rudimentary tools and communication as an argument against humans being the only tool-using animal. What examples of other species using tools or communicating can you think of? Do you feel that this is a valid argument? Image Source:
According to Burke… This is not on the same level as human tool-making and using. Humans teach and learn in more advanced ways. Humans also have the advantage of a reflexive dimension. building off of previous ideas and information instead of just working toward a singular goal at a singular moment in time
Defining man as a tool-using animal is listed far after the definition as a symbol-using animal This is because the use of symbols and language/understanding is essential to make sense of the tools used; therefore man as a symbol- using animal is more essential to the definition.
Man is “moved by a sense of order” Where is this evident?
Man’s draw to a sense of order is evidenced in: Religion Government/politics Division of labor Image Source:
Why is man drawn to this? What benefits come from the spirit of hierarchy or a sense of order?
Man is drawn to a sense of order because of the incentives of organization and status People feel validated when they reach a certain social status or move up the chain in society. In society, reaching a higher status usually translates to more money/more power/more things most people want. Image Source:
What do you strive to be? What is your definition of a perfect life?
Man is the only species that strives to be more than what it is. Reaching for perfection is a distinctly human trait. A rock is content to be a rock; a dog is content to be a dog; they are not striving toward anything greater. Image Source:
What problems can you see with man’s tendency to strive toward perfection? Any examples (historical or personal) that come to mind?
Nazi Germany: the goals of perfection led to mass slaughter of innocent people. Cheating on tests, embezzling money, etc. are all examples of humans striving toward higher status/achievement. Image Source:
Burke also points to man’s strive toward perfection as reason for belief in God and the Devil/heaven and hell These beings constitute ultimate, perfect ends of the spectrum and ground ideas of morality and righteousness in a perfect setting. Image Source:
“A perfect ending should promise something.” Burke says that things might be improved if people begin to think along the lines of this definition; things may be less ominous if people realize the problems that man causes.
What do you think Burke’s point was in writing this article?
Burke’s ending poem lends a lot of insight to his intent….
His goal, it seems, is to urge people to examine what it truly means to be a man, and to take action on the parts of humanity that are leading to disaster.