National Museums of Kenya: Experiences with Darwin Initiatives Dr. Helida Oyieke Director, Research & Scientific Affairs
FUNCTIONS OF NMK Repository for things that are of scientific, cultural and human value Research and document natural and cultural heritage Promote sustainable utilisation of Kenya’s heritage for development Information dissemination
DARWIN INITIATIVE PROJECTS AT NMK Monitoring biodiversity for site management planning in eastern African wetlands Kenya’s Important Birds Areas: Improving Monitoring, Management and Conservation Flamingo conservation and Ramsar Site Management at Lake Bogoria, Kenya Actions for the conservation of globally threatened birds in Africa
Project Title: Monitoring biodiversity for site management planning in Eastern African wetlands UK Organisation: Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) Collaborator(s): National Museums of Kenya, Nature Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service NMK staff involved 2 Research Scientists
NMK Responsibility Houses the Secretariat Provide NMK staff for the project Regional Steering Group Contributes to the development of site management plan Provide technical database advice Assist in selection of participants for the training courses
WWT, 9 partner countries & Wetlands International The WWT Darwin project DATABASE TRAINING SITE MANAGEMENT PLANS MONITORING SCHEME Objectives
Progress so far Training & capacity building Production of site management plans Bi-annual Waterbird Census (Jan &July) Site-based volunteer monitoring scheme Rift Valley lakes, sites around Nairobi, Lake Victoria and the Kenya coast. Progress so far Training & capacity building Production of site management plans Bi-annual Waterbird Census (Jan &July) Site-based volunteer monitoring scheme Rift Valley lakes, sites around Nairobi, Lake Victoria and the Kenya coast.
Project Title: Kenya’s Important Birds Areas: Improving Monitoring, Management and Conservation UK Organisation: The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), BirdLife International Collaborator(s): National Museums of Kenya, Nature Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service NMK staff involved A Project Team – comprising of 2 Research Scientists and 2 Research Fellows from the National Museums of Kenya, to work with 3 Technical Officers from Nature Kenya
Objectives National site monitoring system in all IBAs Detailed monitoring in the key IBAs Effective feedback between monitoring, conservation action and reporting Conservation interventions and management plans Training & Capacity Building
Role and responsibility of NMK Provide NMK staff for the project Advisory Group Help in developing a systematic framework of site and species monitoring. Assist in training programmes for SSGs Assist in preparing national reporting on the status of Kenya’s biodiversity Store and manage data for IBA monitoring information Assist in detailed monitoring activities
Progress achieved so far: A Project Team & Project Advisory Group in place A Monitoring Sub-committee in place Training and Capacity building: A site management-planning workshop A database set up to store and manage IBA data Kenya’s IBA Status and trend report 2004 Detailed monitoring established in four sites
IBA sites with detailed monitoring Kinangop Kikuyu Escarpment KakamegaL.Victoria Mukurweini
Project Title: Flamingo conservation and Ramsar Site Management at Lake Bogoria, Kenya UK Organisation: Earthwatch Institute (Europe) and University of Leicester Collaborator(s): Lake Bogoria National Reserve, University of Nairobi, National Museums of Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service, WWF NMK staff involved Tutors/Advisors: Department of Invertebrate Zoology: (Mr. Laban Njoroge) Ornithology Department: (Dr. Muchai & Mr Kariuki) Herbarium Department: (Dr Mwasya). Intensive field training (Certificate): 4 interns (Entomology & Ornithology)
Objectives Effects of changes in external factors on the abundance of Lesser Flamingoes Causes of movements of Lesser Flamingoes between lakes Causes of Lesser Flamingoes mass- mortality Species health monitoring Training and capacity building
Role and responsibility of NMK Training Provide technical advice Assist in selection of participants for the training courses
Progress so far 2 workshops “Taxonomy for Biodiversity Conservation” The project has trained 50% of the objective numbers in the two workshops Continuous monitoring of the Spirulina populations in Lake Bogoria Continuous monitoring of the Flamingo populations in Lake Bogoria Preparation of educational materials for the schools Draft designs of the school posters and the Reserve Guidebook Intensive field training for 3 interns from the NMK (Entomology & Ornithology).
Project: Actions for conservation of globally threatened birds in Africa (SAP) UK Organisation: Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) Collaborators: BirdLife African Partnership; In Kenya: - Nature Kenya; National Museums of Kenya NMK staff involved: 1 Research Scientist (National Species Action Coordinator for Kenya)
Objectives Phase 1 (complete): Establish capacity for participatory action planning for globally threatened bird species in Africa Phase 2 (in progress): Establish capacity for implementing action plans for globally threatened bird species in Africa
Achieved Phase 1: Format for Species Action Planning Africa developed Production of 8 International and 15 National Species Action Plans for Africa Training and experience in action plan preparation in >20 countries including Kenya Action Plans for 3 Kenyan bird species produced Phase 2: International Management Training focused on implementing Species Action Plans started
NMK involvement Staff involvement in National Coordination of SAP project Developing Species Action Plans for Spotted Ground Thrush Implementing Research actions for conserving Spotted Ground Thrush & Blue Swallow in Kenya
Linkages Creation of linkages and a common coordination mechanism within a country to: –eliminate duplication and competition for same resources –enhance information sharing among partners both in the UK and Kenya.
Exit Strategies Embedded in the final year work plan Ensures implementation of interventions proposed as a result of project activities Focus on institutional priority needs especially where there are other partners involved in project implementation
Thank You All!