May 2013 Watch® FilterSorb SP3 Introduction: Part I By Deepak Chopra Watch ® GmbH Fahrlachstraße Mannheim Germany Web: Telefon: +49 (0) Telefax: +49 (0)
WATCH GmbH A Water Company INTRODUCTION SP3 (S) SCALE (P) PREVENTION (3) Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 soluble changes Temporary Hardness into Calcium Carbonate + Pure Water+ Carbon dioxide CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2 This is FILTERSORB SP3 Hard Water Science is the formulated knowledge based on:- FACT, DATA and the formulation of TESTABLE explanations how hard water operates. Science and the Scientifc Method of SP3 2
WATCH GmbH A Water Company HARD WATER is a FACT Calcium Carbonate CaCO 3 derives from the FORMULATION between Calcium and Magnesium compounds. Ca or Mg are considered as metals within the same group 2 (periodic table) with similar properties. OOxide CaO = Calcium Oxide MgO = Magnesium Oxide OHHydroxide Ca(OH) 2 = Calcium hydroxide Mg(OH) 2 = Magnesium hydroxide HCO 3 Hydrogen Carbonate Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 = Calcium hydrogen carbonate Mg(HCO 3 ) 2 = Magnesium hydrogen carbonate CO 3 Carbonate CaCO 3 = Calcium carbonate MgCO 3 = Magnesium carbonate Science and the Scientifc Method of SP3 3
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Assumptions (axioms) of science: 1.That water behaves chemically and is governed by a natural order (H + ) Hydrogen + (OH - ) Hydroxides = H 2 O 2. There is a cause and effect relationship behind every SCALE forming One might ask, where did the scale come from? What was the original cause? CAUSE Water + Carbon Dioxide + Calcium + Magnesium + Oxides + Hydroxides + Hydrogen carbonate, make hard water. TEMPORARY HARDNESS H 2 O + CO 2 + Ca + Mg + O + OH + HCO 3 and after saturation Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 Temporary Hardness - FACT. Science and the Scientifc Method of SP3 4
WATCH GmbH A Water Company The use of Soap? It is very important to know what ‘soap’ is, as ‘soap’ is not a detergent. Soap in hard water creates ‘scum’ but you do not usually get ‘scum’ with detergents as detergents are generally soap less. NOTE: Detergents usually give a very good lather with any water. General feed back from customers is that you can use up to 25% less soap and detergents when using SP3 water, (water hardness related savings) than if using normal hard water. Research into a link between hard water, the over use of soap, and skin conditions, is ongoing. Worldwide industry experience says there is a link, its just proving it! Scum is caused by Gypsum, which is mainly Calcium Sulfate CaSO 4. SOAP, SCUM and DETERGENTS 5
WATCH GmbH A Water Company “Soapy Soap” is not a joke! SOAP is Natural Sodium Stearate. The chemistry of ‘scum’ formation Calcium Sulfate + Sodium Stearate Calcium Stearate + Sodium Sulfate (Hardness) + (soap) = (scum) Formulation the scientific method CaSO 4 + 2C 17 H 35 COONa Ca( C 17 H 35 COO) 2 + Na 2 SO 4 Conclusion Testable explanation of “Clear Yellow” Test Kit A precipitation reaction is generally defined as the formation of insoluble solid, one before the SP3 system and again after the SP3 system SOAP TEST Clear Yellow TestInletOutlet ConditionNot dissolvedDissolved Visual appearanceTurbidClear 6
WATCH GmbH A Water Company The Testable method: Answering questions using Testable explanations Why we are confident SP3 is the better way? a)How an SP3 unit can save the customer over 35% on running costs compared to a salt based softener in a 10 year period! b)No regeneration of the unit is required i.e. no wastewater c)Stays as hard water, but a non scale forming hard water d)Retains calcium & magnesium, important minerals for the body e)Prevents new and removes existing scale deposits f)No change to the pH level g)No electrical or drain connections required h)Gives substantial savings on soap consumption (water hardness related) Testable Explanations 7
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Testable Explanations SP3 treatment:- an explanation Solubility of Calcium and Magnesium compounds and their reactions Solvent: the liquid that dissolves the material in test. Solute: the material which is to be dissolved in a solvent in test bottle. Solution: the result of the dissolving in the test water. Solute + Solvent = Clear solution Solubility: to what extent a test powder (solute) will dissolve Soluble: the material or test powder will dissolve in good water Insoluble: not soluble, will not dissolve in a SP3 water i.e. Calcium Sulfate (CaSO 4 ) and Magnesium Sulfates (MgSO 4 ) Note: The solution of CO 2 (aq.) is sometimes described as “Carbonic acid” H 2 CO 3 but does this really exist? CO 2 (aq.) + H 2 O ↔ H + (aq.) + HCO 3 - (aq.) 8
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Testable Explanations Solubility of Calcium and Magnesium compounds and their reactions (continued) Saturated: means saturated solution in one in which solute will not dissolve Calcium sulfate saturated water will not dissolve test powder Calcium and magnesium oxides or hydroxides are soluble in H 2 CO 3 water until it becomes saturated Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 These are the major cause of scale and alkaline solutions Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate both are insoluble in water, but they are readily dissolved in acids. pH of the water remains same, alkalinity of the water remains same. 9
WATCH GmbH A Water CompanyFACTS Collect the DATA: Note: Using Ion-exchange for hard water increase costs because sodium chloride or hydrochloric acid is needed to make a regeneration and this leads to higher sodium or hydrogen ions in water that can lead to a slight reduction of the pH of water. CaCO 3 + 2HCl Ca 2+ (Cl - ) 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 CaCO 3 + 2NaCl Ca 2+ (Cl - ) 2 + H 2 O + 2Na + However, a negative point! It has been suggested that both Sodium and hydrogen ions can contribute slightly towards increased blood pressure, that’s why people on a low sodium diet are recommended to drink hard water. With SP3, every mains water tap is drinkable!. 10
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Acid solutions have a pH of < 6.8. These are quite often as salts, which are themselves formed from neutralizing acids and bases. Because all acids from hydrogen ions in the water and with this the remaining ions that as Calcium (Ca 2+ ) and Chlorides (Cl 2- ) becomes the salt of CaCl 2. The same reaction takes place with magnesium (Mg 2+ ) and chlorides (Cl 2- ) to become MgCl 2 and this is FACT. FACT -- that in all acids there are more H ions, and with chlorides, it makes HCl hydrochloric acid. This can contribute towards corrosion, a scientific FACT !FACTS 11
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Nucleation Assisted Crystallization (NAC) Although the principle objective is the same, NAC is different to other crystallization processes. It is a solid heterogeneous catalyst that reacts with water and gaseous solutions. The reaction occurs on the SP3 bead which has a glass surface coated onto Calcium and ceramic beads. The reactants are absorbed onto the catalyst SP3 surface at the “active sites” on the glass surface. These reactants are physical adsorbed and very “weakly” bound to the SP3 surface. When the high concentrations of the reactants are very close to each other, the original molecular bonds within the reactants ions are separated in seconds with the result a non scale forming crystal being created. 12
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Hydrogen Carbonate Ion (HCO 3 - ) The hydrogen carbonate ion as HCO 3 Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2 insoluble calcium carbonate, Pure Water and CO 2 as gas and on the surface of SP3 the carbonate ions CO 3 2- acting as a base, gains two protons to form H 2 O + CO 2 + Ca 2+ these are separated on the surface of SP3, CO 2 in this formula is acting as supersaturated CO 2 and the Ca starts the Nucleation process and becomes a non scale forming crystal. SP3 13
WATCH GmbH A Water Company H 2 O is a neutral oxide because its pH is 7. Logistically the oxonium/hydrated proton ion concentration is equal to the hydroxide ion concentration. Hydrogen Carbonate Ion (HCO 3 - ) It is very important to have a high quality surface to support the strength of adsorption. SP3 has a unique double coated glass surface. WATER Oxonium / Hydrogen ion + Hydroxide ion In this reaction, water acts as but both ACID and BASE i.e. one water molecule acid donates a proton to another water molecule which becomes an oxonium ion (hydrated proton) and another water molecule (base) simultaneously accepts a proton! Therefore, water is an amphoteric oxide: This means it reacts as both a proton acceptor and a proton donator. 14
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Hydrogen Carbonate Ion (HCO 3 - ) The hydrogen carbonate ion HCO 3 - can act as a carbonate ion both as acid with a base or act as a base with an acid, such behavior is described as amphoteric HCO 3 - acting as a base, accepting a proton from an acid. HCO OH - H 2 O + CO 2 HCO 3 - acting as an acid donating a proton to the hydroxide ion base Conclusion - the reactant Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 being bounded to the SP3 catalyst glass surface (chemisorptions/adsorption) must be very strong to apart reactant ions as fast as possible, but enough to handle all ions and the products to ‘escape’ from the SP3 surface. This part of the process is called ‘desorption’. 15 NucleationAdsorption AssistedDesorption Crystallizationin one process
WATCH GmbH A Water Company During the SP3 NAC process, a very efficient ceramic bead is used. Glass coating is very unusual on the catalyst and is unique to Watch®. It is an important requirement to ensure a quality surface for adhesion and to keep the maximum surface area to give the greatest and therefore the most efficient rate of reaction. A controlled amount of fragmentation of the bead during the manufacturing process (controlled by heat) enhances its ability for reaction. Other crystallization based medias can expand during reaction. This ‘stretching’ of the site reduces its ability to create a catalyst surface, thus considerably reducing the efficiency of the product. SP3 NAC is stable during reaction, and its unique glass coating offers pH stability in its product water.. SP3 functionality 16
WATCH GmbH A Water Company SP3 Contamination Actives Sites: Not all the surface of the media is effective due to minute imperfections in a Ca 2+ crystal at the ionic level. For any SP3 catalytic surface, it is desired to have a fragmented surface to ensure they are much more effective as against a ‘rough’ expanded one. Important: SP3 catalyst contamination should be avoided if at all possible. High Copper and Iron levels can cause impurities, as they can be bounded on the surface of the SP3 and its active sites. It considerably reduces the efficiency of the SP3, especially as the most effective SP3 catalyst sites bind impurities the strongest, competing with the reactant Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 ions. Hydrogen sulfides contaminates the SP3 media, so precautions should be taken that water remains free of sulfur. We recommend that commercial systems replace media every 3 years. 17
WATCH GmbH A Water Company Case Studies: Boilers Heat exchangers Cooling Towers Commercial applications Reminder: What FILTERSORB SP3 is and how does it work? SP3 is a media that converts a scale causing ion into a non scale forming crystal that flow harmlessly through the system, without the need for regeneration or use of chemicals. FILTESORB SP3 End of Part IConclusion 18