Importance of Water and the Oceans (Dôležitos ť vody a oceánov)
Importance of the Oceans (Dôležitos ť oceánov) Activity 1 Spidergram Picture matching – (Spojenie obrázkov)
The Oceans (Oceány) Water is not a commercial product like any other but, rather, a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such.Water is indispensable for human survival and development. It is essential for human life and it is needed for many industrial activities and processes. Planet Earth is different from other planets because water exists here in liquid state. The world’s oceans and coasts are important to Humankind. Oceans and coasts host some of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, providing food and livelihoods to millions of dependent local communities, and supporting cultural services to human communities. They also are the largest carbon sink on the planet. Ocean services were once believed to be infinite. However, the past decades have proved that marine ecosystems and resources are limited, vulnerable and becoming increasingly degraded. When the Earth is seen from space, it looks blue. This is because 71 percent of the planet is covered by water. Most of it is in the four great oceans – the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian and the Arctic Ocean.
Urchin Crab Shark Planktons Picture matching
Jellyfish Shrimp Dolphin Octopus
Sea horse Mussels Whale Starfish
Threat of the Oceans (Ohrozovanie oceánov) Activity 2 – True-false (Pravdivý- falošný) Missing words (Chýbajúce slová)
Threat of the Oceans (Ohrozovanie oceánov) Ocean pollution is caused by chemicals and other debris. Oil spills, factory run off, and litter all contribute to the issue. Although some natural events, such as volcanoes, can cause some pollution, the majority come from human activities. The effect is damaging to individual species, populations, but also to the naturalbiological communities. When the toxic wastes are dumped into the ocean, the fishes could consume the poisonous chemicals. Plastic items (bottles, bags) could choke the sea animals. Organic water pollutants include: Detergents Disinfection Insecticides Chemical compounds Inorganic water pollutants include: Acidity Ammonia Chemical waste Fertilizers Heavy metals Trash or garbage (e.g. paper, plastic, or food waste) Shipwrecks
True – False (Pravdivý-falošný) 1. Water is not essential for human life per cent of our planet is covered by water. 3. Ocean services are infinite. 4. Human activities cause more pollution than natural events. 5 The oceans are in danger. 6. When the Earth is seen from space it looks mainly green. 7. The effects aren´t harmful to populations. 8. Fishes can not consume the poisonous chemicals from the water. 9. Insecticides and detergents belong to inorganic water pollutants. 10. Plastic, food or paper waste are very dangerous for the marine life.
Missing words (Chýbajúce slová) Oceans and coasts host some of the most productive___________on Earth. Water is indispensable for human___________and development. Ocean services were once believed to be___________ We have ___________great oceans. Fishes could consume the ___________ chemicals. Ocean pollution is caused by chemicals and other___________ The effect is damaging to individual____________, populations.
How to help the Oceans (Ako pomôžme oceánom) Activity 3 - Anagrams of the Oceans and Animals (Anagramy) Discussion (Diskusia)
How to help the Oceans (Ako pomôžme oceánom) Water is one of the most valuable natural resources on Earth, and it needs to be protected. One of the best ways to do this is to learn about proper waste removal practices. Automobile oil, paint, and leftover cleaning chemicals should all be properly disposed of, and not just dumped down the drain, thrown away, or spilled on the ground. Any of these methods can affect the local water supply, and possibly lead to more pollution in the ocean. Be contentious about your trash, and don't litter. Follow a recycling program to reduce the amount of garbage. Runoff water can carry garbage and other contaminants to the ocean, where they have the potential of harming wildlife. We should cut down on water use, be careful about any chemicals that come in contact with water supplies, and encourage large companies to improve their waste management techniques. Learning more about how you can help to prevent ocean pollution is one of the best things you can do to make the world a cleaner place.
Anagrams (Anagramy) naticlat (Atlantic) danini (Indian) ticrac (Arctic) ficacip (Pacific) siljyhlef (jellyfish) tucopso (octopus) cabr (crab) elwah (whale) hksra (shark) nidlohp (dolphin) shisfrat (starfish) hefhlils (shellfish) seslums (mussels) ahossere (sea horse) sripmh (shrimp) hcurni (urchin)
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