Quick Facts about the Ocean Our Planet is made up of 70% water. There Is 326,000,000,000,000,000,0 00 gallons (326 million trillion gallons of water on the earth 96% of water on the earth is ocean water Fourteen billion pounds of garbage, mostly plastic, is dumped into the ocean every year
Facts on Ocean Pollution Over 80% of the pollution in the ocean is runoff from the Land Almost 90% of all floating materials in the ocean are plastic Marine debris, especially plastic, kills more than one million seabirds and 100,000 mammals and sea turtles every year Dead Zones which are areas of oxygen deficient water were life ceases to exist, have increased drastically over the past decade.
Polluted by toxins Polluted by garbage
Types Of Pollution Oil Spills Fertilizers Sewage Pipes Chemicals
Garbage Oceans Plastic in Oceans
Oil Spills Oil spills have huge and immediate economic, social, and environmental impacts. Local people lose their livelihoods as fisheries and tourism areas are temporarily closed; the clean up costs are enormous; and tens of thousands of marine animals and plants are killed or harmed. And the damage goes on. The chemicals used to break up the oil can be toxic, and it's impossible to remove all the spilled oil. Even after an area has been cleaned up, it can take a decade or more to fully recover. There's also the problem of the oil that goes down with the ship, which can contaminate the seabed and marine organisms. This oil can also resurface. In 2001, a cyclone off the island of Yap in Micronesia disturbed the oil tanker USS Mississinewa, which was sunk during World War II. For two months, thousands of liters of oil and gasoline leaked out of the rusted ship wreck onto the beaches of the atoll, stopping the 700 islanders from fishing. There are hundreds of other shipwrecked tankers around the world. Back to Polluted by toxins Back to Polluted by toxins
Out Side information on Oil Spills /peril_oil_pollution.html /peril_oil_pollution.html Back to Polluted by toxins
Fertilizers Fertilizers that runoff from farms and lawns is a huge problem for coastal areas. The extra nutrients cause Eutrophication. The run off kills the Algae which depletes the water's dissolved oxygen and suffocate other marine life. Eutrophication is the addition of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and phosphates, through fertilizers or sewage, to an aquatic system. Eutrophication has created enormous dead zones in several parts of the world, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic Sea Back to Polluted by toxins
Outside information on Fertilizers cfm cfm eanic-dead-zones-spread eanic-dead-zones-spread Back to Polluted by toxins
Sewage Pipes In many parts of the world, sewage flows untreated, or under- treated, into the ocean. For example, 80% of urban sewage discharged into the Mediterranean Sea is untreated. This sewage can also lead to eutrophication. In addition, it can cause human disease and lead to beach closures. Back to Polluted by toxins
Outside information on Sewage Pipes waste-outfall-broward _1_sewage-bills-reef- rescue-water-shortage waste-outfall-broward _1_sewage-bills-reef- rescue-water-shortage bursts-in-mexico-fouling-beaches-in-san-diego.html bursts-in-mexico-fouling-beaches-in-san-diego.html florida-pollution-idUSN florida-pollution-idUSN Back to Polluted by toxins
Chemicals accumulate in organisms, becoming concentrated in their bodies and in the surrounding water or soil. These animals are in turn eaten by larger animals, which can travel large distances with an increased chemical load. People become contaminated either directly from household products or by eating contaminated seafood and animal fats. Evidence is mounting that a number of man- made chemicals can cause serious health problems - including cancer, damage to the immune system, behavioral problems, and reduced fertility. Back to Polluted by toxins Chemicals
Outside information on Chemical Toxins /peril_toxins.html /peril_toxins.html n/public/?action_KEY= n/public/?action_KEY=4342 Back to Polluted by toxins
Garbage Dump There are several garbage oceans across the world but the biggest as large as the size of Texas is the Great Pacific Garbage Dump. These Dumps Can be dangerous to out animal wildlife and eventually effect our fish that we would eat in that area. Back to Polluted by garbage
Information on Garbage Dump th/oceanography/great-pacific-garbage-patch.htm th/oceanography/great-pacific-garbage-patch.htm largest-dump largest-dump waste-dump/ waste-dump/ Back to Polluted by garbagePolluted
Plastic Unlike most other trash, plastic isn't biodegradable Sunlight does eventually break down the plastic, reducing it to smaller and smaller pieces, but that just makes matters worse. The plastic still never goes away, it just becomes microscopic and may be eaten by tiny marine organisms, entering the food chain. The world produced 300 billion pounds of plastic each year, about 10% ends up in the ocean, 70% of which eventually sinks Back to Polluted by garbage
Outside information on Plastic icsarticle.html icsarticle.html Back to Polluted by garbage
Prior to doing all the assignments READ through ALL types of Pollutants toxins and garbage or you will be unable to complete all the assignments
Assignment Number One Pick one of the four pollutants by toxins discussed in this PowerPoint. Write a three page reflection with at least one of the sources provided in this PowerPoint including at least two outside sources.
Assignment Number Two The topic of garbage pollution is a fairly recent event. The problem of dumping in the ocean has only arrived in the past 60 years. Research the information on the Pacific Garbage Patch and pair up with a partner of your choice. Discuss the negatives of the Garbage Patch and prepare a 7 minute presentation on alternatives to try and prevent the dumping of materials into the oceans.
Assignment Number Three You are now President of the United States and the date is March 25 th 1989 one day after the Exxon Valdez crisis. Write a speech to the American people describing the events that have transpired and the potential aftermath of this oil spill. Propose a bill to congress to address our procedures, response time and contingency plans on both the state and federal level when faced with another pollution crisis. Use this site below and additional sites for information on the Exxon Valdez Crisis.
Assignment Number Four I am going to divide the class randomly into six groups. Each group will represent one of the pollutants that have been discussed in this PowerPoint. Your goal as a group is to convince me and your peers that your pollution is the most dangerous type of pollutant we have effecting our oceans. Use sources provided in this PowerPoint as well as outside sources. Short You Tube clips under two minutes are also welcome.