CIVIL WAR BLUNDERS By: Andrea B., Celeste B., and Diana P. Ms. Ramont Period 6
BATTLE OF ANTIETAM GEN. ROBERT E. LEE In September of 1862, he chose to fight in an area with the Potomac River at his army’s back and with not enough room to maneuver and completely outnumbered. Lee’s bad luck was that Union General McClellan knew the Confederate plans. (Someone in Lee’s army lost a copy of the Confederate battle orders.) However, Lee’s good luck was that General McClellan was in command of the Union Army, and McClellan suffered from what Lincoln called “the slows.”
ANALYSIS OF BATTLE OF ANTIETAM When General Lee got ready to go to the battle, he accidentally left his plans and Union soldiers were able to get ahold of them and find out the Confederate’s next move. The mistake made was that he chose to fight in an area with the Potomac River at his army’s back and insufficient room to maneuver and totally outnumbered.
GEN. LEE AND GEN. MCCLELLAN General Lee ready to fight!!! General McClellan also ready to fight!!!
BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG In November of 1862, President Lincoln made a mistake of sending General Burnside instead of General McClellan to fight in the battle of Fredericksburg. The failures of the Union army over the past year left Lincoln craving a victory to maintain public confidence. Burnside's orders and stubborn determination to take the ridge led to a massacre under withering Confederate rifle and artillery fire.
FREDERICKSBURG ANALYSIS At the battle of Fredericksburg, Lincoln made the mistake of choosing General Burnside instead of General McClellan to fight in the battle of Fredericksburg. If Lincoln had chosen General McClellan, the Union would have probably won the battle(since General McClellan had led the Union to winning many battles).
BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG The Pickett-Pettigrew assault (also know as, Pickett’s Charge) momentarily pierced the Union line but was driven back with severe deaths. Stuart’s soldiers attempted to gain the Union rear but was repulsed. On July 4, Lee began withdrawing his army toward Williamsport on the Potomac River, thus concluding the Battle of Gettysburg. His train of wounded stretched more than fourteen miles.
ANALYSIS GETTYSBURG The confederates lost because of the fell of Pickets Charge This is the turning point of the war. If the attack was successful, the confederates may have won the war.
BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE In late April of 1862, newly appointed Joseph Hooker led the Army of the Potomac back toward Fredericksburg with a bold new plan for confronting Lee's army. His soldiers would make a sudden attack deep behind Lee to disrupt supply lines and communication with Richmond. While this was going on, Hooker envisioned a sharp movement, with part of his army marching around Lee to strike from the rear and pinning the Confederate army as the rest of his troops made a frontal assault at Fredericksburg.
ANALYSIS OF CHANCELLORSVILLE The victorious Confederate attack ended with the mortal wounding of Stonewall Jackson. Lee's victory at Chancellorsville is considered to be his greatest accomplishment of the entire war.
WHO AM I? RULES There is going to be three clues about the person After you guess your answer, we will review the question
WHO AM I? Got his nickname from his posture in battle of Bull Run Was killed in Battle of Chancellorville Was a major Confederate general
I AM… General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
WHO AM I? His nickname comes from his facial hair Was also and inventor and industrialist Had an aggressive work ethic
I AM… General Ambrose Everett Burnside
WHO AM I? His greatest victory is the Battle of Chancellorsville His middle name is Edward His wife was the great granddaughter of Martha Washington
I AM… General Robert E. LEE
RESEARCH WE USED FOR INFORMATION Pressley,, J. (Jan 18, 2011 ). Five Major Civil War Battlefield Blunders. from blunders html?cat=37 Chancellorsville. (n.d) from
RESEARCH WE USED FOR IMAGES Maps of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1863) GETTYSBURG - PICKETT'S CHARGE, JULY 3, (n.d) from Haas, Steve Battle of Chancellorsville - Part 2. (n.d) from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (MAR 08). from Hyde, Dan Harrison County Historical Society's Collection of Old Photos of Jacksons The Stonewall Jackson Statue in front of Harrison County Court House. (n.d) from STONEWALL JACKSON Chapter XXIII Battle of Chancellorsville. (n.d) from WELCOME to!. (n.d) from My 22 Favorite Civil War Generals...Union Edition. (n.d) from Post Cards Assortment C - Assorted. (Dec , 1862 ). from Rebel Yell. (n.d) from Stonewall Jackson. (n.d) from
THANKS FOR WATCHING Created by Andrea, Diana, and Celeste