Identifying Hazards in the Workplace
People work better, and are happier and healthier, when their surroundings and the equipment they use are comfortable and safe. The general workplace hazards that you will encounter will depend on the situation and type of organisation you work in. There may specific guidelines in place that must be followed to avoid hazards and minimise risks; make sure that you are familiar with them.
It is an employee’s responsibility to know about the hazards that may exist in their workplace, know who to report those hazards to, and to help make the workplace safe for everyone.
General hazards and risks A hazard is anything which has the potential to cause injury or illness. Hazards in the workplace can be related to: – workstations – the office environment – general hazards A risk means the likelihood of injury and illness arising form exposure to any hazards.
Employees can help eliminate or reduce the risk of injuries and illness associated with work by identifying hazards, assessing the risks involved, and reporting them to a relevant person, for example the OHS representative.
Identifying hazards Hazard identification involves recognising all situations or events that could cause injury or illness. There are two parts to hazard identification. 1.The types of possible injuries involved e.g. tripping over, strained muscles, broken bones 2.The situations or events that could give rise to the injuries or illness e.g badly designed workstation, long periods of work.