Conflict Robert Zimmerman Dallas Museum of art
Conflict Rationale: Conflicts fall under many categories and come in many shapes and sizes. Recognizing these different types of conflicts and the way they came about can help us better understand a way to resolve them or avoid them all together. Every conflict carries consequences, great or small these consequences often affect those outside of the primary parties involved.
Key concepts Key Concepts: -Man Vs Man -Man Vs nature -Man Vs Society
Essential Questions -How are conflicts started? -Who is affected by conflicts? -How can we resolve conflicts? -How might someone have a conflict with himself or herself? -How does man engage in conflicts with nature? -How can we avoid conflicts? -How does time affect conflict?
Objectives -After the unit students will be able to recognize the different types of conflicts. -After the unit students will be able to interpret why conflicts occur. -After the unit students will be able to create a work of art based off of a museum painting.
Pre-tour TEACHING PROCEDURE. Purpose: To define and discuss the term conflict and the way artist use it as inspiration. OUnavQhttps:// OUnavQ Discussion questions -Can someone tell me about a conflict they ’ ve had? -Why did it occur? -How was it solved, or was it?
Man Vs. Nature Artist: Arthur John Elseley (British) Title: Hard pressed (Any Port in a Storm/ Late for School) Key concept: Man Vs Nature
Questions/ Activities -10 students are assigned this for their key concept (Man Vs Nature) -What kind of conflict do you think this is? -What is happening? -Imagine this is a photo -Write down a short story in your sketchbook about the events before and after this. (only the ten assigned to this key concept) -Write a possible solution to the conflict as well. -Hold onto your stories you will need them next time we have class
Man Vs. Man Artist: Abraham Cooper (British) Title: Battle of Bosworth Key Concept Man Vs. Man
Questions/Activities -Ten students are assigned this for their key concept (Man Vs Man) - What is happening here? -Why are these people fighting? -Name one thing that people fight for. -Imagine this is a photo -In your sketchbook write down the events that happening before and after this. (Only ten assigned to key concept) -Write a possible solution to the conflict as well. -Hold onto your stories we will be using them next time in class
Man Vs Society Artist: Jean Antoine Theodore Giroust (French) Title: Oedipus at Colonus Date: 1788
Questions/ Activities -Eleven students are assigned this for their key concept (Man Vs Society) - What is going on here? -Who are these people? -How can you tell? -Use your imagination, what are they saying? -Imagine this is a photo - In your sketchbook write out the events before and after this. - Write a solution to the conflict as well. -There is no right or wrong answers use your imagination! - Hold onto your stories we will need them next time we have class
INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE/ Post Tour -Begin with discussion about trip to museum -What was your favorite part? -Which painting did you get? -Briefly tell your story you wrote. (6 examples)
Work Time –Instructional Strategies/Activities (_30_ min.) -You can use any materials to tell a part from your story. -I can be before, after, or how the conflict was solved -I’ll be coming around the room to help you if you need it. -Be sure to glue your story to the back of you picture when you finish. -When you think you are done come check in with me.
Closure Next time we are going to be sharing our stories with the class. -On your way out of class write one way you could resolve a conflict on an exit card.